☔︎︎Chapter 32: Healing ☔︎︎

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Play hoax by Taylor swift & fade into you by inhaler for this chapter <3

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Play hoax by Taylor swift & fade into you by inhaler for this chapter <3

The winter storm was a woman scorned, furious, cold and vengeful. Lightning cracked across the sky sending heaven's light through the storms. The storm was a swirl of dainty black attired ballet dancers, each in a windswept grey ensemble. They moved their bodies to the beat of heaven's drum. They summoned thunder on their stage. The sky would've been completely black if it weren't for streaks of navy blue.

I reached for the shawl on the couch, wrapped it around me and followed Niklaus outside. I narrowed my eyes and shielded them from the vain storm, I didn't believe in his God but I somehow found myself praying that the storm wouldn't rob him from me.

I followed him onto the beach, he sat down by the water as it rolled onto the shore and soaked the bottom of his jeans. He ran his fingers through his curly chestnut hair in frustration as I watched him, he seemed so hurt, so enraged. I remembered Martina's cruel words to him before he stormed out, it's been three years Niklaus, you have to heal. And my heart twinged in pain as if they had been spoken to me.

I remembered the way even Rune had shed tears at the vicious exchange between Martina and Klaus, I saw the anguish smeared on everyone's faces, like a cruel reminder that they'd never truly escape the events of their first mission. I sneezed from the cold, blowing my cover as Niklaus turned to look at me, his expression turned from anger to concern. He stood up frantically and started pacing back and forth on the sand before placing both of his hands on my shoulders.

"Nadya, what the hell are you doing out here?" He asks, his eyes searching mine for a plausible explanation, "it's freezing out here and it's raining!"

"I know I just-" I sighed as I felt shivers cascading down my spine, "I couldn't let you go out here alone!"

"You're out here...because of me?" He asks as if he can't possibly comprehend it, "that's ridiculous why would you follow me out into a storm?"

"You know why Nik." I spoke unwaveringly holding his gaze sternly, "you know why."

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