chapter 14

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"Y/n." A voice whispered. Y/N felt herself falling into darkness, landing in water about six inches deep.

"Ow." Y/N's voice echoed through the dark room.

In her eyesight all she could see was a chair. To be more accurate, Dumbledores chair in the great hall.

"Y/n." It said in a longer eerie tone.

She felt herself being pulled towards the chair. Until she was so close she saw the students of Hogwarts kneeling down, faces pale and scared.

In the front row of the students she saw herself, and Harry a wand being placed to her arm creating a mark. Tears rolling down her face. A voice cackling beside her.

She tried to see the person with the wand to her arm but suddenly..

"Y/N!" The voice yelled.

"I'm up! I'm up!" Y/N shot up hitting her head on something, then hearing a thud on the ground.

"Ow, Jesus L/N you really need to work on your reactions" Elliot said while rubbing his forehead.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here." Y/N whisper yelled.

"Calm down Y/N, Mae let me in." He moved to the side and Mae smiled and awkwardly waved.

"Still, why are you here." Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Because you have to get up right now. Snape said for everyone to go to the potions room right now." Elliot shrugged and walked out of the room, Mae following him. "We'll wait for you in the common room." Mae smiled, closing the door behind her.

Y/N grabbed her uniform and changed as quick as she could. Rushing down to the common room, while tying her shoes.

"I'm here, I'm here." She said out of breath.

"You sound like you just ran a mile." Elliot laughed.

"It feels like it, I got changed and did my hair in under a minute. I call that a record." Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Let's go." Mae laughed grabbing Y/N's hand and dragging her out of the common room all the way to the potions classroom.

When they walked inside all tables were cleared, boys were all on one side, girls on the other.

Y/N and Mae waved a quick goodbye to Elliot before going to stand beside Liane who beat them all there. Y/N looked around and noticed it was all Slytherins fourth year and up in this classroom, she wondered why.

Since Snape wasn't in the room everyone was goofing off. Students whispering Wingardium leviosa to throw paper at each other, laughs from all over the room when Crabbe and Goyle tripped and fell flat on their faces.

Snape walked into the room his cloak flowing behind him. Y/N always found his entrances dramatic. The class continued to laugh and talk.

"Silence." Snapes voice echoed through the grungy dungeon.

"I bet you're all wondering why you're here." Snapes voice said in a low unexcited tone.

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