Chapter 9

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"Miss Micheals?"

"Miss Micheals? I need you to open your eyes."

I fluttered my eyes open and winced at the bright light I received.

"No" I groaned out.

"I'll need you to open your eyes, miss"

"It's too bright." I responded.

"Just open them miss, it's for your own good."

I weakly opened my eyes and was met with the lights but this time it was less bright. But a figure wearing a medical lab coat shone a torch in my face and I winced again, but allowed the doctor to do their job. The doctor checked my eyes and turned off the torch.

"Now miss, I need you to focus on my fingers" the doctor said again, showing me to long, masculine fingers to look at. He kept moving his fingers and my eye kept following suit until he dropped them and I looked at him. The bright lights didn't allow me see his face clearly.

"Why are we doing this while I'm lying down?" I asked.

"What?" He responded, clearly confused by my question.

"I'm supposed to be sitting up, doctor."
If I had my voice and I wasn't as tired as I was right now, I would have sounded as sarcastic as I hoped. But I haven't had anything to drink so I sounded like a dying seal. The doctor however, seemed to notice as he helped me sit up and gave me a glass of water to drink. I gulped it all, calming my itchy throat.

"Well, seeing as you didn't waste 8 years in med school and you're under my care, you can't really tell me what to do." He responded harshly to me.

I used my time to look at him, he looked very young and oddly familiar. He had pale white skin and jet black hair. He had pale green eyes to compliment his hair, straight nose and high cheekbones to compliment his facial features.

I looked around the hospital room and it didn't give away any hint showing our current location. Just posters of organs and eating healthy and stuffs.
"Where are we?". I asked him.

"You're in Oasis my love." A man said from the door way. He sauntered into the room with his expensive black suit and shades that were too big for his face like he owned the place. "I'm sorry that your welcome wasn't as warm as I had hoped it to be." He stretched his hand out for a shake.

Of course, I didn't accept it. I looked at him curiously. He noticed my reluctance as he brought his hand back and smiled brightly at me.

"Ah! Where are my manners? I'm Yuki Mori." He said and took the shades off, revealing his face.
His full fair was gelled to the back, showcasing his huge forehead. He had straight nose on his Asian face accompanied with grey and blue colours on his eyes.

"Staring is rude." The doctor said.

"Where's Makari?" Was all I asked. I couldn't care about Yuki's heterochromia or the doctor's attitude. I wanted Makari to pay for what he did.

"Ah! You're still mad, I see." Yuki said, folding his shades and placing it on his chest pocket.

"And sassy." The doctor added.

"Makari is currently with the disciplinary committee. I assure you, he will be severely punished for what he did to you."

"What about the other two?" I asked again.

"They will also be punished."


"That's for me to know and for you to not stress yourself about it."  He patted the doctor on his shoulder. "Take care of her."

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