Part 9 (test approved)

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SCP 173 pov:

At first I was just in my containment cell until suddenly the door to my containment cell opened. I thought that they were sending in more of those D-class but to my surprise there was only one D-class but about 4 guards. The D-class and 3 guards decided to kept an eye on me while the other guard came up to me and told me something.... Shocking....

Random MTF:"alright SCP 173 just so you know the 05s are the ones that approved of this test. And that SCP xxx told us that you can actually talk but that humans can't understand you oh and just incase you don't know SCP xxx is the humanoid SCP also known as Y/N that you met during the containment breach"

Just in case you guys forgot even if SCP 173 talks nobody can hear him so if he is shown talking he is just talking to himself

SCP 173/Billy:"huh so their SCP number is SCP xxx and their real name is Y/N..."

Random MTF:"but for now we are going to be doing the test. We don't know if that SCP was telling the truth so we are going to let this D-class stay in this room and turn of the lights so if you really understand what we're saying just stay there and don't move"

SCP 173/Billy:"hmm... I wonder should I not snap that guys neck or should I just pretend that I don't know what the guy's talking about by snapping that guys neck"

Random MTF:"and just incase you prefer snapping the D-class' neck then I'm just gonna say it now. They are going to give you a privilege that involves you being able to get to talk and spend time with SCP-049, SCP-035, SCP-682, SCP-079, SCP-053, SCP-191, SCP-239, SCP-999 SCP-131, SCP-953, SCP-096, SCP-106, SCP-105, SCP-073 and SCP-076-2 once a week if there are no containment breaches"


Random MTF:"alright now we are going to leave the room and are going to leave the D-class here then turn off the lights"

Ugh... I really want to kill that D-class but if I don't I get to see a bunch of my friends then I need to resist. But.... They could be lying and they won't actually do what they promised. UGH! WHY IS MAKING A DECISION SO HARD!?

After that the lights turned off and I decided to not snap that guy's neck.

Soon the lights turned on. And I could hear the researchers and scientist talking in the room behind the glass window or the observation room.

One of the researchers in the other room behind the window and over the intercom#1:"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! SCP XXX WAS TELLING THE TRUTH!"

One of the researchers in the other room behind the window and over the intercom#2:"WE NEED TO TELL THE 05S THE RESULTS OF THE TEST RIGHT NOW!"

Author's note: hey guys hope you enjoy the new chapter and that I know the new chapter is short but I'll make the next chapter longer than the other ones.

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