C h a p t e r 18

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Normani and Ryan waited in the waiting room. Ryan was in her headspace and Normani understood that so she did her best to comfort her.

Teyana was on her way and she was also stressed.

Ryan had been crying for her mommy since they got there. She just wanted to see her. The last time she seen her was before she fell asleep.

"Beyoncé Knowles-Taylor family?"

"Yes that's us" Normani says standing up with Ryan on her hip.

" She did suffer from a Ictal seizure. It was most likely from stress. As for the babies; they are both still alive but one of their heart beats are very low from the loss of blood circulation from when the seizure happened. The baby could be born with a heart defect or urinary defect. If one or both of them do they will have to go into surgery right after being born. Did she fall or anything at the time of the seizure?"

"No she was siting down"

"Ok. We also ran some test on the babies genitalia. Do they know the gender of the babies?"

"No I don't believe so"

"Does hermaphroditism run in the family?"

"Yes the father is actually intersex"

"So, the babies could also be hermaphrodites but we can't fully tell until until the babies hit about puberty age. In that case, Beyoncé is still sleeping but you can go see her."

They followed the doctor into her room. Ryan immediately got down from Normani's grasp and ran next to the bed. She looked at Beyoncé who was peacfully sleeping, she looked like an angel. I tear fell from Ryan's eye as she kissed her girlfriend.

She couldn't help but to feel guilty about the situation. She felt like she put Beyoncé in this situation, if she had never shown her, her phone she wouldn't be in the hospital.

The door opened and Teyana rushed into the room. She hugged Ryan. Ry couldn't stop crying as the guilt she felt slowly grew.

"Shhh it's ok Ryan she's ok"

"I-I-Its all my fault. I- I'm sorry" she cried.

"No baby this is not your fault"

"She w-was stressed and I added to t-t-that"

"No it's not your fault Ryan. Pregnancy is stressful in itself and combined with how Bey's work ethic is, she just got overloaded. You had absolute NOTHING to do with this" Tey says kissing Ryan. "I talked to the doctor and the babies are stable and ok"

Teyana set up the couch that unfolds  into a bed so Teyana and Ryan could sleep on it. But sleeping was the last thing they wanted to do. Ryan was at about 3 years old in 'Little' space which was the youngest she's even been. She needed to escape what she was feeling and slipping into headspace was the best, harmless way she could do it.


I was laying down in a bed of white clouds. I looked at my surroundings and it was beautiful. My outfit, I was covered in gold. Someone tapped me on my shoulder making me turn around.

"What are you doing here? You have to go we're not ready for you yet" a child spoke to me. They looked about 4 maybe and oddly like me.

"Where am I? Who are you?"

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