Chapter Thirty Seven : They Know, She Knows

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Y/n's POV:

"Y/n, I need your help!"

"Your glasses are in the top draw of your dresser George, as they always are." I replied, not needing to look up from my book to know it was him. He'd already asked me that same question three times today.

"That's not what I was going to ask," George blinked, "but thanks. I've actually been looking for them."

"Okayy, so then what's the problem?" I asked, placing a bookmark in between the pages before closing it shut.

"It's about Callum."

My head shot up so fast I accidentally pulled a muscle. I winched, rubbing the side of my neck. "Yeah...?" I responded, not sure how to answer that without giving too much away.

"I uh... wow this will be harder to talk about that I thought." He quickly realised.

"Sit down, George." I patted the seat next to me on the couch.

"But I'm just filled with all this nervous energy, I mean..." George didn't sit down like I'd told him to, instead he began rambling on so much he was practically bouncing off the walls. "I just had a few sweets, maybe that's it? But I-"

"Sit your fat butt down, George." I said, sterner this time and already loosing my patience with him.

"Fine." He huffed. "But I'll have you know, I'd consider that a compliment-"

"Just sit down, will you!" He quickly shut his mouth closed and plopped himself down next to me. "Now, tell me what's going on." I repeated.

"Like I said, it's about Callum."

I sighed. "Yeah, I heard you Georgie, but I'm going to need a little more information than that if you want my help." I pulled the tip of my thumb close together to pointy finger, emphasizing my point.

"Right." He sighed. "I get the feeling he sorta... likes me?"

"You kno-" I began, but coughed quickly to cover up my tracks. "What I ment to say was... he does?"

Thankfully, George was too wrapped up in his own head to pick up on my mishap. "Yeah like, ever since he came out and things I don't know... maybe I'm reading into it too much? Like what if he never came out and I still thought of him as straight, would I have noticed it? Or am I just thinking it because I'm so deviously handsome and he's-"

"Okay, let me stop you right there." George frowned. "I get what you mean, and maybe he does, I don't know. Just ask him, it would clear things up. I mean, that way you'd know for sure and it wouldn't complicate things."

He sighed. "Damn it, you're right."

I grinned, cupping my ear with my hand and pulled it closer to his face. "Sorry, say that again?"

"I said you're-" he paused, "nevermind."

"Nooo I didn't hear what you said, say it again!"

"No!" He huffed, crossing his arms.

"Oh this is a glorious day! You said I was right for like the first time, ever!" I cheered, singing the first line as if it was a song lyric and threw my hands up in the air.

"Don't milk it." George grumbled.

"What? Like you'll be milking Callum's-" Fred began.

"No, no stop it!" George yelled, putting his hands over his ears.

I burst into laughter, trying to hide my giggles behind my hand but it was not doing much in that sense.

"What's going on here?" Percy walked in, a curious look on his face.

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