Chapter 18 - Setting Standards And Nicknames

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Ever since they'd lost 150 points, Alice always stayed with the Marauders, consoling them constantly. At one point, she lost it, and shouted at them and told them to 'fucking look at the positive side'. Her words had inspired Eve very much. That night, she went to the snack bar and opened a bottle of the Butterbeer that they had bought from Hogsmeade, and made a toast, "To setting world records!" And drank it. Everyone was looking at her now, and Eve used the bottle as her mic to speak into.

"My dear ladies, and gentlemen, it is I, Evangeline Grace Scott Holmes, a member of the Marauders, and one of the reasons why our House has the lowest number of points in years." Everyone groaned at this. "However, I have one question, fine men. What use does this House Cup bring us? What are we if we continue down the same road over and over again? Once upon a time, a great man once said that impermanence is the only permanent thing in the world. I say, let us take this as an opportunity to prove the man's words. Let us, for once, set a new standard, a new record. Let us be the house to lose the most number of points! Let us be free! What more do we have to lose? Join me, my comrades, as I follow the road not taken!"

A glorious cheer erupted from the Common Room. Eve couldn't believe that she had actually inspired the Gryffindors.

And that's how the revolution started.

"Ms. Evans! Why are you talking during class? 5 points from Gryffindor!"

"Thank you, Professor," Lily said with a wink, and Eve couldn't believe the effect that her speech had had on Lily.


There was still one month left to the exams. James was reading a book about Quidditch, when he suddenly said, "We should have nicknames. Just like the one we kept for Moony."

Eve flinched at the idea, but Sirius and Peter seemed interested, so she agreed.

Twenty minutes later, Eve was regretting her decision.

"I'm not going to be known as Snuffles!" he whined.

"But it's so cute!" James and Eve said together.

"No! No, No, No! A hundred times, no!"

"C'mon Snuffles."

"Call me Snuffles again and I'll rip your eyeballs off your face," Sirius snapped.

"Threatening! I feel threatened! Eve help me out here," James yelled with a laugh as Sirius tackled James to the ground.

"Fine, Siri, we'll call you Padfoot. You happy, you big child?" Eve said as she rolled her eyes.

"Fine," Sirius huffed and sat on his bed.

"Okay, the only one left is Eve, and I've given it a thought. What do you say to 'Tora'? It's Japanese for tiger," Sirius said, proud at his knowledge of random facts.

"I like it," Eve said with a wide smile.

"Okay, so let's go over this again. Eve is Tora, Peter is Wormtail, Sirius is Snu- Padfoot, and I am Prongs. And Remus is Moony," James confirmed.

"Yup," everyone gave their nod of approval to James and right on time, Remus came into the dorm with happy news.

"I've figured out how to do the Homunculus Charm!" He said.

"Oh my God! Yes! Moony, you're the best!"

And then the Marauders set of on their next task, making the Marauders' Map. It was a map that showed the reader about the whereabouts of every single person at Hogwarts at anytime of the day. It even showed where they were walking, and it had all the secret passages that Marauders had found during detention with Filch, and it was a complete guide to Hogwarts.

By the end of the month, the Map was ready, and the Marauders set off to work. Pranks were now way more better, and the teachers couldn't find any proof that the gang had been sneaking aorund, and the Slytherins were way more aware than ever.

Sirius and Eve partnered up all the time to prank Snape (she'd hated him ever since he'd joined Lucius) and Regulus. Eve recieved Howlers all the time from Walburga, but she just waved her wand at them coolly and they'd burst into fire.

Sirius was more than happy to know that his best friend wasn't going to leave him because his mother had shouted at her. He still tried his best to know whether Eve liked him or not, but he didn't recieve a single move from her. Besides, he had at least a hundred girls all lined up to be his girlfriend. Sirius had already kissed every single girl in the school, and broken up with her in a week, but they still came back, which really annoyed Eve. She wasn't jealous, but she was annoyed, (or was she jealous?). She tried her best to get Sirius out of his player ways, but in vain.

By the end of term, Gryffindor House had scored neagtive 482 points, thanks to all of Gryffindor's pranks. Minnie looked as though she could have fainted on the spot. The House Cup went to Ravenclaw, but Gryffindor had won the Quidditch Cup. After presenting the House Cup to Professor Flitwick and the Ravenclaw Prefects, Dumbledore acknowledged Gryffindor's efforts to create the record that they had set in the school for least number of points a house had ever scored,  and all Gryffindors cheered loudly (Minnie was so dissapointed) as they went ahead to eat their feast and prank and disregard their rules one last time, before the new term when things would start afresh.


A/N: And that's the end of Year 4.

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