Chapter XXVI: The Test

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The bony hybrid figures formed a flying nest above my head, their thick and rusty voices echoing in the depths of my consciousness, tugging at my heartstrings, so hard it almost tore them apart.

Singing that horrible song.

The first siren that spoke to me floated faraway from them, her arms crossed in front of her prison-like chest, her eyes hollowed out, as black as the void inside my head. I could tell she stared at me, waiting for my response.

I couldn't look back. Instead, I sat on my knees on the dry sand, among bones I never wanted to know the origin of. Cold sweat ran down my forehead. My hands balled into fists on my knees, my hair damp, sticking to my cheeks, reaching the edges of my lips. At that time, I did not feel any of my body parts. I did not feel fear itself anymore.

One name kept repeating in my brain, pulling with it the threads of my memories, eating away at my guilt, making my insides twist and turn, turning my thoughts into a freaked-out passenger on a broken roller coaster.

Noah Noah Noah

Give us the boy with the Voodoo Gift, and we shall grant you your deepest desire. They had announced.

The ghost shall be human again, and you shall be reunited with your love. Your old life shall be given back to you, and you no longer have to see the otherworldly creatures.

Choose wisely, for you will only choose once.

The temptation was killing my soul from the inside out. I wanted it.

I wanted Haru back. I wanted to undo my crime. I wanted my old life.

So badly I was ready to beg the skies for it.

But then you'll have killed two people, in one lifetime.

You'll be ruining another boy's life

You'll be at fault, once again

As if the sirens had heard my thoughts, they responded to me almost immediately, all in unison, like they were programmed to do so, like they expected me to think those exact thoughts.

Their words sunk deep into my chest, making the rest of my body shiver, my bones rattling under my skin.

He will cease to exist, and his memory shall be buried within this ground. Your guilt and your pain will be ours to resist, so do do not despair, and choose within your care.

This time, I lifted my head to finally look back at the siren, the surprise beating the fear inside me.

"So I won't remember anything about Noah?"

The siren slowly nodded, her expression unfazed. A small part of me, the one that was still intact, wondered if it would be wise to tell a skeleton to cheer up and to smile more, the charm of a woman is in her smile. Oh wait, my bad. You can't smile now, can you?

I shook my head a little too quickly, trying to get rid of the irrelevant thoughts.

"So what you're saying is that I only have to choose Haru over Noah and then everything I have lived this past week will be undone? What will happen to Noah's parents? Does his father get to live too?"

Another nod.

Objectively speaking, it wasn't a bad deal at all. I could save two people by sacrificing one.

Anyone would do that.

Anyone but Hitori Yuuki.

My first encounter with Noah came back to me in a flash. It was merely a week ago, but I remembered it like it had just happened.

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