Chpater 25 - Divulging Information

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No one at Eve's home knew about Voldemort, perhaps except Sherlock. She herself got to know about him in her 3rd year at Hogwarts, and deduced that her parents wouldn't let her go back to school if she told them about him. But now that she was a member of the Order and the chances of her parents getting a threat was increasing by the minute, she decided that it was time. 2 weeks after the vacation started, she called her parents and Mycroft down to the living room. Mycroft was unwilling and lazy to come down, but Sherlock dragged their brother to the hall.

"I think it's time I told you something," Eve said. Mycroft scoffed, "That you have a boyfriend? I already knew, and I have informed Mum and Dad, and convinced them to let you be. Although-" Eve rolled her eyes.

"-This isn't about my love life, Mycroft. It's about your own life. All of you," she told them all, and Mycroft's back stiffened as he listened to his sister's serious voice.

"In the Wizarding World, there's a man, a Dark Wizard, and well- he doesn't like- people like you and me. He doesn't like Muggles or Muggleborns. He wants to.. eliminate those without magic in their blood and those who were born to those who do not have magic in their blood. Are you with me?" Mycroft nodded as he took in the new information. Sherlock was sitting on the couch, his eyes closed in concentration even though he already knew everything that she was telling her family.

"There are records- in the Ministry of Magic, that contain information about all of the Muggleborns. And from the little I know, he has already infiltrated the Ministry. Hogwarts is the only safest place for me as of the moment, but since you cannot even see the school, threat is imminent, for all of you, for Lily's family.... basically, every single Muggleborn's family."

"As of the end of this year, I've joined a secret society that works with the Ministry to defeat Voldemort and his followers, the Death Eaters. I'm not risking my life right now, but when I turn 17, I may have to take up some tasks that can be rather life- threatening. Voldemort is a power hungry half-wit, and he won't hesitate to kill anyone on his path. His soul has been damaged and ripped apart, from all the megalomaniac acts of his past."

"Now, it's essential that all of you send me a letter, as soon as possible, should a Death Eater turn up at this house. Our home is now connected to a private Floo Network, as Dumbledore has requested the Minsitry that the houses of the members of the Order be connected to a few reliable places, at the very least. If you are threatened- Sherlock, I'm giving you a job. Death Eaters usually wear black robes, and have a tattoo. A tattoo of a skull with a snake coming out it's mouth on their right wrist. It may even be able to move. Your job is to identify these Death Eaters, and rush Mum, Dad and Mycroft to the fireplace. Light up the fire, if there isn't one, put some of the Floo powder that's in the mug into the fire, step into the fire- it won't burn you. As soon as you step into the fire, one by one, say the words 'Potter Manor' very clearly. Shout it out loud, for all I care. Speaking clearly is very essential. Now, you'll feel a little twisted and turned, but you'll end up at the Potters' fireplace, and they'll help you out 'til Dumbledore tell us what to do. Do you all understand?" Mum and Dad only stayed silent.

Mycroft spoke up, "Does the British Government know?"

"No, but the Prime Minister does, Mycroft," Sherlock answered for Eve. "Only the Prime Minister. That's why no one should know that you are in danger. Try to come back home by 5 or 6, don't stay up 'til it's late in the night. Like the Auror Moody told us they day we left Hogwarts, CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" Eve said the last words with a chuckle.

"Now, usually the Potters' house have enchantments to keep Muggles away, so they'll come here in a few hours to put some spells or something on you so that those enchantments won't work on you alone. And then we can try to practice like a fire drill- how to use the Floo Powder, is that cool with you, Mycroft? Can you take today off? This is very important to me, Mike," she said, and Mycroft only nodded, too concentrated correct his sister. A few hours later, Euphemia and Fleamont Potter had joined the Holmes' for a nice little conversation, and had given them a few potions. Then they taught the Holmes' how to use Floo Powder.

"Now, one by one. Don't get in together."

"Leave your eclectic items like the fellytone behind. They don't work very well at our house."

"He means leave your electric items like the telephone or cell phones behind."

"Say it loud and clear, don't stammer, Mycroft. Other wise you can end up in some ditch, brother. I once ended up in Diagon Alley instead of Lupin Cottage. I don't even know how they are remotely connected."

At the Potters' house, they were all met by a very cheerful James. He was glad to finally have company after days. Eve, James and Sherlock left to look around the big house, and the parents and Mycroft sat down in the living room to talk about the crisis that was happening in the Wizarding World.

The kids returned to the kitchen a few hours later, and found their parents talking about television sets there. James, the big show-off, went to get his Muggle Camera that Remus had bought him at the end of 3rd year with Mycroft. That's when it happened. Instead of coming back with a camera, James and Mycroft dragged with them a boy that looked as white as a ghost. He looked like he had passed out.

"Mum. It's Sirius. H-he's..." James struggled to continue, but Mia didn't care. She waved her wand at the boy, and he floated to a couch and Mia observed the bruises on his face and arms. Eve was petrified. She watched as Mia said Diffindo, and tore the shirt Sirius was wearing. His body looked like it had been through hell itself. Not wanting to see anything anymore, she walked away from the couch and stood in a corner of the room.

"What happened to him?" Mycroft asked.

"He ran away from his home. I think, they.... abused him," Sherlock deduced.

"Oh no, my dear. This is more than abuse. His parents used the Cruciatus Curse on the poor boy," Mia said, her eyes on the verge of tears, and her voice trembling.

"The Torture Curse, one of the three Unforgivable Curses. When cast, the curse inflicts intense, excruciating pain on the victim, and would result in insanity if the victim was subjected to it for a prolonged time. You should have actual desire to cause pain if you had to even cast it," Eve muttered, remembering what she had read at the Library. Mia only nodded as she continued to heal Sirius' bruises.

"How'd he even get here?" Monty (Fleamont) asked, and James replied, "W-we have a mirror, Eve, Sirius and I. We use it to talk to each other during detentions. Eve, you left it at your home. Sirius ran away on foot, I think, or m-maybe he Apparated, I don't think he can, and called me through the mirror when we were searching for my Muggle camera."

Eve told her family to go back home while she stayed over and helped Mia take care of Sirius. He was out cold for at least 3 days.


A/N: You guys! I'm happy to tell you all that I'm way ahead with the book and I will most probably update daily until this book is over.

Also, I've decided to make this book into 2 parts, 'cause why not? So the Marauder's Era will be this book, and the Harry Potter Era will be a sequel to this book.

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