You left me : part 1

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Jake's POV:

It had finally ended. We found Hannah. Micheal Hanson was in jail now. Everything was normal. Hannah was very weak and malnourished when they found her. But she's doing much better now.

All this was possible because of MC's help. I am so grateful to her.

We finally met last week. I was roaming around the roads, wandering aimlessly. Suddenly I noticed a silhouette of a women. She was coming closer, and I stood shocked when I saw her face, in the dim moonlight. It was her! MC!

She stood a few inches away from me. She was staring at me too.

"MC" I whispered out. "J-Jake?" she quietly said. She recognized me even without knowing how I look like. We stared at each other for a few seconds when suddenly she threw her arms around me and hugged me. I hugged her back. She started sobbing, her face buried in my neck.

"Jake... You are finally here." She said in between sniffles. "Yes, MC. I am here. And I am never going to leave you." I said that more to myself than to her. I was still wanted. It wasn't safe for her to be around me, or even be in contact with me. I can never put her in danger because of me, but I didn't wanted to let go of her either.

We stood hugging each other, on the middle of an empty road, under the beautiful moonlight and a starry sky.

"Come with me, Jake. Have you eaten anything today?" She innocently asked me. I shook my head. I hadn't eaten anything and I was really hungry.. And also... I really wanted to be close to her.

Together we walked to her apartment, it was so clean and comfortable. It had the perfect homely feel to it. She quickly made dinner for the both of us and to say that her food was delicious would be an understatement. It was freaking perfect!

I don't know how it happened.. But we went to her bedroom to sleep. She said she had been seeing nightmares since her encounter with Michael Hanson when they all went to find Hannah. I was more than happy to cuddle with her, I was sleep deprived myself and I felt comfortable and safe with her.

"Jake... I know this would sound really weird Considering this is the first time we ever met but Jake... I-I l-love you, Jake." she suddenly blurted out. I was shocked. We both stared into each other's eyes. I didn't know what to say. I loved her too. But I wasn't able to speak that out loud. "I-I am sorry i-"

" I love you too, MC. You're the only person who understands me, cares for me, loves me. You make me feel complete MC. There's no one in this world for me, except you. I would do anything for you. I fell for you a long time back but I was afraid that you wouldn't reciprocate my feelings. But now that I know that you feel the same- I love you so much, MC. " I confessed everything. It was difficult to say all those things, but once they were out, I felt relieved.

MC started crying again. I didn't wanted her to cry. She deserves only happiness. I hugged her tight. Then, I cupped her cheeks and before I knew it, my lips were pressed onto hers. It was the best moment of my life. The world around us had disappeared. There were no worries of the outside world, no worries of tomorrow, no bad memories of the past.. Just us. We slowly pulled away from each other. Both of us were blushing. And then one thing led to the other and we ended up doing something I know we shouldn't have done so soon.

I woke up at around 5 in the morning. MC's arm was wrapped around my waist, and her face was buried in my neck. I carefully moved her arm, I didn't wanted to wake her up. I slowly got up from the bed and got dressed. I looked at the love of my life. She looked so adorable while sleeping.

I was still staring at her when my phone started buzzing. It was an incoming call. I got out of MC's bedroom, towards the main door when I picked up the call. "We Know where you are Jake. We also know the people you are in contact with."

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