CHAPTER 56. Eight Plus One

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This chapter is for my wattpad bestie GigsLeiph if they didn't live in Africa I'd probably offer marriage lol. She's literally awesome!

Lion's pov

I could smell him the second he walked on the property, disgusting filthy dog. When Raven continued to struggle for three days we decided we couldn't put it off anymore, and contacted Cyprus to talk to the wolf.

Raven needed to have constant tabs on everyone, and the second she didn't know where someone was she panicked.

Nicholas, Faith, and Fallon took it hard, but it was nothing compared the rest of us five. We knew half of this was our fault.

We made her childhood hell on earth, Cross and I especially. We flat out ignored her because we thought it would do something to fix her attitude problem.

We're the reason she has the instant need to snap back and run off with no warning or reason.

River said something with her being scared we were going to hate her must have triggered something.

And now we couldn't even the leave the room without explaining where we were going, and how we weren't going anywhere else.

Even despite none of us wanting her to be present when the werewolf came, that wasn't possible, so now she sat sandwiched between NIcholas and Fin, eyes darting around anxiously.

River had tried to coax her to be upstairs with Faith, but our little human wasn't having it. Even if I knew she was a hybrid, she would always be more human to me.

Some part of that reminded me to be more gentle, even if I wasn't most of the time. Circumstances had forced us all to be more gentle however, human or powerful dragon hybrid.

There was a knock at the door, and it was Faith who stood, eyes warning us to behave. The small blond human had been very angry with us when she arrived. Dune had been able to sweet talk the lesbian into being more understanding however.

Faith grabbed the door handle and paused, sending Raven a smile. Raven weakly tried to smile back, her heart beat loud in the room despite Nicholas's soothing.

There was a reason we were so tense, we knew we had no right to her. She would be better off with just about anyone else.

We made her cry as much as we made her smile, but that didn't mean she didn't belong to us. So the werewolf would need to kill me for a second time if he wanted to take her from us.

The door opened and I felt my face twist in disgust. The dog had the audacity to be fucking good looking. Blue eyes and thick healthy hair. Just the way our Raven liked it.

His eyes flickered black a moment before they returned blue. "I'm sure you know my name, I know all of yours, so we can spare the introductions."

Well damn, I hate him already, I thought and shared a look with Cross. Spare the introductions? What a pussy,

His eyes drifted to Raven, and that's really where they stayed, even as River stood, and to my shock offered him a hand. Are you really going to-

They shook hands and I felt my eye twitch in irritation as they nodded at each other. River had informed the wolf of Raven's current mental state, it was promised their would be zero tolerance for fighting or raising of voices.

My gaze flickered to Raven as she stood and touched her hair, eyes drifting from the floor to Aaron. "I love them," she told him, and pride and satisfaction bubbled up in my chest.

Aaron looked at her seriously. "Yes, is there any room left in your heart?"

A light pink came to her cheeks. "Maybe, if you get along with everyone, and they like you too." Raven told him then suddenly looked at me when I made a noise in my throat. Her eyes filled with panic and I cursed myself.

"He seems really great," I blurted, pained to the very core of my being. Raven relaxed the slightest bit, but that was enough for me.

River shot me a glance, warning me to be more careful, and I raised my hands and rolled my eyes.

"How do we want this to work? Because I have duties elsewhere," Aaron said shortly, gazing at Fallon briefly before turning his attention back to Raven and River.

"Saturday and Sunday with you, the rest of the week with us," River bargained and Raven took a step back, eyes darting across all of us.

"I don't want to go anywhere," Raven snapped and touched her heart. Her body trembled, lower lip sticking out the way it always did before she cried.

"Raven, don't you want to get to know your mate?" River asked as Raven hugged him, pushing her face into his chest. Little did she know how much it was hurting us to even offer such a thing to the strange dog.

Raven shook her head and cried in her sweet pathetic way. "No, I only want you,"

Cross smirked and ducked his head, eyeing the pained and angry expression the wolf tried to hide. I shared his amusements, she was ours first, and that would never change, mate or not.

Raven's pov

I didn't understand, why would they want me to leave with him for two whole days? What if something happened while I was gone?

What if something happened to me? They wouldn't be there, and I didn't want to think about such things.

Aaron and River shook hands, but that didn't mean everyone was going to get along. I could tell, every one was tense, and Cross looked like he wanted to strangle Aaron.

"Please don't make me," I whispered and held River tight.

"No one is going to make you do anything," Faith told me, making me lift my head up a little. "But wouldn't you like to give Alpha Aaron a chance?"

My lower lip wobbled and I glanced at the wolf, who's face was blank. "I don't think he likes me very much," I mumbled and looked at the floor. "Besides, I'd be much more comfortable at home."

"He's your mate," Faith reminded me and glanced at the wolf, wincing a little. "And something tells me that's enough for him,"

"It won't be right away, I have to deal with my brother first." Aaron said and I glanced at him to see him nod at River. "You've got a deal, I'll take Saturday and Sunday, as much as I'd hate to admit it," Aaron looked for a moment as if he tasted something sour. "She belongs here, for now,"

Not right away, phew, I pulled away from River and slid back in place with Nicholas and Fin, snuggling into Nicholas's arm while grabbing Fin's hand.

"Have a seat," River offered tiredly, offering a lone chair by the fireplace. Aaron took him up on his offer, sitting and looking very out of place.

"Why don't we all get to know each other?" Dune offered, and Aaron didn't seem to like the idea. This isn't going to work, is it? They all seem so angry.

"I'm the eldest of three sons," Aaron finally said, making my eyes go wide and lips part. "And Raven told me a few things about you all, Dune is...?" Dune raised a palm and Aaron's lips twitched. "You make the best hot chocolate?"

Dune looked away and chuckled while Cross glanced at his nails. "Just about the only sure thing in this world,"

Aaron gazed around thoughtfully, eyes landing on Fallon. "You're the cutie pie?"

Fallon turned red while Lion licked his bottom lip. "Equal parts cute and pie," he agreed, making the vampire boy flush all the more.

"You're the calm one?" Aaron nodded at River then gazed at Nicholas. "The stern one,"

"The stern one?" Nicholas echoed and looked at me in outrage.

A giggle left my lips. "Yeah,"

Maybe it will work after all.

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