Vol 2 - 4: Kira Takes On U.A. - Part 2

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[Kira Takes On U.A. – Part 2]

The chill, crisp Spring air filled the lungs of one Tooru Tomioka, as he leaned against the metal railing atop the rooftop of Musutafu General Hospital. A tired, exhausted sigh escaped his lips as he brushed a hand through his messy afro, sparkling blue eyes glimmering with stress as, with his free hand, he put a pre-lit cigarette to his lips and breathed in, forcing the embers to channel up half of it, before stopping, letting the ash fall to the ground below.

A calming sensation washed over him the moment he finished the drag of his cigarette, before immediately puffing out the toxic fumes—if he held it in any longer, he would've coughed. It was hypocritical to both be a doctor and a habitual smoker. But with the amount of stress he had on his shoulders, who could blame him?

It was times like these that he needed an occasional smoke break. While that wasn't the entire reason why he was on the rooftop, he saw an opportunity, and he took it. In actuality, he was waiting for someone. Someone who he had emailed a while ago to meet him on the rooftop so that they could discuss something that was bothering him.

"Head Doctor? Are you smoking?" The chipper, yet also tired voice of Medi Lady, otherwise known as Sakura Kubo, filled Tooru's ears as he turned around to face her. A hint of shame gleamed in his eyes, but it only lasted for a second.

She was out of her hero costume and wearing regular doctor attire, that being a white trenchcoat and blue medical scrubs. Without all of the excess stuff on her, she looked like a regular passerby, minus the scar on her lip that she received in a fight when she was on the battlefield. Her hair was a little messier than normal, and she had bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep, but otherwise, she looked just as she usually did.

Sakura used to study under him until she switched to studying with Recovery Girl, but he felt no ill will toward her for it. It was probably for the best, all things considered, especially given how similar their Quirks were. His Wonder Of U wouldn't help her understand how Healing Quirks affected the body, now would it?

"Yes... I was. I hadn't expected you to be here so soon, though. I guess the cat's out of the bag now. Yes, I smoke, and yes, I am aware of the hypocrisy of it," Tooru replied as Sakura frowned, crossing her arms almost as if she had been disappointed.

"For shame, Head Doctor," Sakura said, her eyebrows knit together, before her expression dropped entirely as she snickered to herself, confusing Tooru. Sakura then outstretched her hand toward him, confusing him further. Before he could ask, she spoke up. "Mind if I bum a cigarette off you?"

"You smoke as well?" Tooru asked as Sakura scoffed.

"Anyone who works these crazy shifts does as well. If you don't then you're either mentally unstable and thrive off constant work, or you have some kind of energy Quirk that keeps you going and keeps stress levels low," Sakura quipped, letting out an exhausted sigh as Tooru passed her a cigarette.

She stood next to him, taking out a lighter and lighting the cigarette. They stood in silence for a little while, watching as the clouds passed overhead. The last few days had been nothing but stressful, and it showed not only with them but with the rest of the staff.

The Hospital was almost at max capacity thanks to the recent attack in Downtown Musutafu. With how tensions had been high and unrest within the city becoming more and more apparent... Well, one could see how that would affect a Hospital. Primarily the people coming to visit the injured.

He had passed by so many grieving parents of children as he came up to the rooftop for his little break. Crying about having lost their young child in the attack, and he felt absolutely heartbroken for it. Alongside that, he passed by friends of his who were mourning their friends and family, and even worse, he even saw some of his friends in those hospital beds... some of which were being loaded up into body bags.

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