Warm-Up Wait 1

205 11 25

All right, contestants! Today is officially the 22nd, which means that the deadline is here and it's time for me to judge your stories!

...is what I would say if I hadn't ridiculously overestimated how long it would take me to judge and rank all of you and ended up doing it all early. As a result, I already have all of the responses judged and ranked—which means it's time for me to announce the winners!

The first part of the challenge, the auditions, will be posted in a chapter just before this one. I cleaned them up and formatted them a little bit, but I tried to keep the essence of your auditions the same and mostly left them unchanged.

I judged and ranked all of your second parts, and if you recall, the contestants with the top four stories will be team captains this season!

It's worth noting that while meeting the goal made up a significant part of your score, I was also looking for completeness, correct use of language and grammar mechanics, and overall quality. (There's no way I could have fairly judged all of your stories without a rubric, honestly.) So, without further ado, here are your four team captains!

With a score of 40/50, Team Captain #4 is...

...Contestant #10, Times New Roman! (@MyKeThePro)

Also with a score of 40/50, but having submitted their entry before Times New Roman, Team Captain #3 is...

...Contestant #5, Cat! (@CatlovesCarson)

The next two team captains, oddly enough, also got the same score: 43/50. However, because this contestant submitted their entry after #1 did, Team Captain #2 is...

...Contestant #9, Potted Plant! (@Echo_The_Emo)

And finally, being the earlier one of the two to attain a score of 43/50, and your winner for this round, Team Captain #1 is...

...oddly enough, Contestant #1, Takeout Coffee! (@M30WS0M3)

Takeout Coffee, Potted Plant, Cat, and Times New Roman, congratulations on being this season's team captains!

Now, obviously, someone got last, someone got second-to-last, and so on. It's just a fact of life that I can't do anything about. But because I don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings, I'm not gonna post the full rank list and scores unless you guys all want me to.

However, be warned: if you request your score, I will DM you the honest answer. I'd like to think that I'm a kind soul, but I've been told that I tend to be VERY direct and blunt when it comes to things like this. So if you got a lower score than you wanted, then please don't take it personally; I simply graded your response as I saw fit. (And if I was actually biased in my judgement, then I would have made certain people team captains, regardless of if they wrote a good story or not.)

I also need to list out all Tokens awarded this round. For the warm-up, submitting each part of the response—the audition and the story—got you 1 Basic Token, for a maximum of 2 per contestant. There were no rank-based Token awards since this is just the warm-up.

+2 Basic Tokens
Takeout Coffee (@M30WS0M3)
Gemy (@katismoi)
Bleach Bottle (@MangoManDude)
Slimey (@threadar)
Cat (@CatlovesCarson)
Ink Pot (@ThehumanNamedE)
Potted Plant (@Echo_The_Emo)
Times New Roman (@MyKeThePro)
Magnet (@nofacebitxh)
Chocolate Bar (@poop-e-head)
Top Hat (@GuiGui078)
Ink Well (@bfbfanficfan)
Red Button (@rubric_cube)

+1 Basic Token
Placeholder (@Demonvampire987)
Crossy (@halfasleeptypist)

For those of you who didn't get your entries in on time, it's okay. I understand that life sucks sometimes and that sometimes there are more important things to do. Don't worry about it; jut try to write for the next challenge if you can.

Over the course of the next three days, the four team captains will think about and decide which people they want to put on their team. As for the rest of you, you may influence them as you wish—within reason, obviously. (For example, don't spam a captain's DMs saying you want to be on their team or that someone can't be on their team or anything like that.)

Then, on the 25th of March, three days from now, the captains will all DM me the following two things:

1) The order in which you want the remaining non-captain contestants to join your team. An example would be:

1 — Takeout Coffee
2 — Potted Plant
3 — Cat
4 — Times New Roman

...and so on and so on down to 20. I'll assign the first person on the first captain's list to their team. Then I'll assign the first person on the second captain's list to their team unless they were taken by the first captain, in which case I would then move down to the second person. Then I'll assign the first person on the third captain's list to their team unless they were already taken by one of the previous two captains. After the fourth captain, I'll loop around to the first captain and begin assigning again. This cycle continues until everyone's got a team.

2) Your team name. Yup, that's right: a hidden perk of being a team captain is that you get to choose your team's name. Obviously, there's a couple of ground rules:

• No profanity.

• Nothing explicit.

• Nothing too long.

• I'm about 50% sure that someone's going to submit a not-so-nice name, so don't be surprised if a new rule appears here.

That being said, go ham with your team names. As long as they don't break the rules listed above, I don't really care too much about what your team name is. You have until the 28th of March, three days from the 25th, to submit these to me. If you want, you can check with me if your team name is valid or not. And yes, you can submit your team lists and names early if you want to.

That's all for now! See you all in teams soon!

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