So Loud, So Loud...

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         Last time I was in la Casita, was Antonio's Gift Ceremony. Camilo had insulted me in the entry way. "Why come in that ugly dress?" I was aghast ( surprised negatively just a definition). " I made it myself!" that was a mistake. "Oh, that's why the stitches are uneven, the buttons are mismatched, and the wearer herself..." he trailed off. My eyes were rimmed with tears. I had spent months on that dress. I was hurt, but could never let anyone see me cry. then came the worst betrayal of all. My closest friend. "No wonder no boy has liked her back." I snapped. "Well maybe if certain people weren't angry, jealous, jerks, they wouldn't be attention seeking, butt kissing, TRAITORS!" I screamed in her direction. then stormed off towards home. crying the whole way, running past my house, and into the Forrest. I shuddered at the memory. Not tonight. I still need to apologize to Antonio for not being there to support him. 

             I found him in the corner with Delores, trying to soothe her. "What's wrong?" I asked, trying to shake my own emotions off. "Its all so loud, all of it. normally its selective, but when its all in one spot like this it is always just to loud so loud..." she trailed off, barely audible. Then , I remembered the drawing pad in by bag. And the drawings and doodles in it. "Cover your ears Delores." she pressed her ears harder, and I ripped out a page. "It sounds like this looks, right?" she nodded. On the page was a bunch of overused space, overlapping colors of chairs, and faces and broken glasses and food and all sorts of things. all the chaos, the overused space. it reminded me to stay quiet, so there would be one less thing to overwhelm. in the bottom left corner, the only empty space, I drew Delores and Antonio. leaving space to represent quiet. as my pencil scratched the paper, she seemed to relax. when i stopped, she tensed. "keep drawing, I like the sound." I did so, drawing my pet rabbit on the next page, after handing the picture of her, Antonio, and the chaos to her.  Three drawings later, she seemed to be close to ready, on the last one i drew the scene before me. two figures, cuddling in a corner, relaxing, and calming down. on the back I wrote, 'if you need a calming sketch, come find me, I like trees.' and gave it to her. she was ready. I walked away as she opened her eyes to the small stack of drawings for her. my wrist aching, stomach silently crying for food.


          on the walk home i was silent, knowing how she hurt. I too, was prone to panic attacks. Also, from the overwhelming of my senses. Andres talked about how pretty Luisa was, and how she danced beautifully. Carlos whispered to me, "I saw you with Delores, why were you drawing?" I decided to keep it classified. "She wanted a picture, and had heard me drawing."

Hope you like it! Before I can continue with the story, i need a name of a girl who was a... well, a turd. the only name i have is Annabel, who lied and said i had brought snacks into the tent, when i had denied her snacks and reminded her it was against the rules. and guess what, she was allergic to ant bites! any way, please give me a name, and how she wronged you. Thanks and sleep well!

Camilo Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now