Early closed your curtian

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"Mrs Petal was made to help you, not hurt you. What don't you understand Moon??? You always have to make things more difficult than they need to be. Why cant you be happy for Sun?? I get that you don't get to see the kids as much but you have to right to have an attitude. You're being selfish and sucking the happy out of everyone. If anything, you're a coward with no real heart. Fix this, or Sun can do without you"

"Okay.. sorry Vanessa"

(Present time, moon's POV)

I would be lying if I said I remembered most about today. But I do remember the big things.

At 3:43 am, a team of doctors and nurses came in and said Y/N could be discharged in the morning.

At 4:27 am, they unplugged them from every machine and helped them change into normal clothes.

At 5:16 am, I called Jay and asked him to drop off Y/N's car so they could drive home.

And now it's 6:23 and I cant remember what happened in the last hour. Now we're sitting in a car, and Y/N is crying and I just snapped back into my surroundings.


Y/N grabbed my hand and kissed my palm.

"I'm sorry.. i'm so sorry Y/N, I must've had a glitch. What is happening? What's wrong"

"I'm scared to go home"

"Why star light. Home misses you"

"I'm scared going back will hurt you, or i'll get sick again"

"Let's go home, and if it doesn't feel right we can go from there."

Y/N sniffled and began to drive home. I don't think they know how to begin to process their emotions, but I didn't either. I'm just expected to be okay after this.

Sun was always the gentle one but I had always thought I was. I had control of myself and was always expected to assume responsibility, but I had no idea how to navigate this situation. I guess I was too metal and plastic to understand these feelings I have, and I hate it.

Y/N turned on the radio and turned it up so I couldn't hear them crying.

"So for the time being, i'm being patient" the radio played

I could hear them humming along through the tears while driving slowly.

"And amidst this bitterness, if you just consider this"

I looked over at them and realized how angry I am.

"Even if it don't make sense all the time... give it time"

All these days, months they've left me, just to barley act like they care.

"And when the crowd becomes your burden"


"And you've early closed your curtain"

Please love me. Please love me more than Sun. Please see what I am.

"I'll wait by the backstage door"

I have spent my whole time in existence living in the shadow of someone who doesn't even know me. Always in the background. Always ignored, always loved less. Was I made to be like this??

"While you try to find the lines to speak your mind. And pry it open, hoping for an encore"

Why cant they just forget about Sun forever? Why cant I be my own person??

"And if it gets too late, for me to wait, for you to find you love me and tell me so"

I just want to feel their eyes on me. Feel their skin on  mine. I should just take it and never let Sun out again.

"It's okay... You don't need to say it"

Please still love me.

I felt the clear oil dripping from my eyes. I glanced to  Y/N who had nothing but blank behind their eyes,


"Moon.. what are you talking about"


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