Chapter Six

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"Where are we going?"

Detention was quieter than usual. I could tell Oliver was anxious but I wasn't sure if it was because of what we witnessed earlier today or because of the hangout. Or both.

"Are you hungry?" I looked over at him as I turned on the cars ignition. He was fiddling with the sleeves of his hoodie, a mix of yellows and greens plastered on the front of its original blue.

"A little, where?" I hummed as a response, backing out of the space.

"It's now a surprise Oli." I found myself smiling as he let out a huff, scootching further down his seat. It was a childish act but it was almost cute how he did it.

I turned the music up slightly, rolling the windows down to let the breeze in as we sat in comfortable silence. From the corner of my eye I watched as Oliver stuck his hand out the window toward the tree line.

We soon pulled up to Mama Mia's, it was a small Italian restaurant on the outskirts of town but it was definitely to die for. Mia the owner was a sweet lady in her late 70's but somehow always had the energy of a toddler. Her short bouncy curly hair, I can already picture her at the front desk with her bright red lipstick with her hands on her hips ready to scold me for not coming back sooner.

Oliver looked up at the sign as I parked the car. I looked at him signaling to exit the car with a slight head nudge. We both got out and made our way inside and as I predicted Mia had a stroke.

"Jackson! You bad boy, where have you been bello?" She gave me a playful glare before her eyes wandered past my shoulders to Oliver. Her eyes instantly brightened as she practically shoved me out of the way to get to him.

I held in a laugh as I watched her take his cheeks in her hands with a smile so wide I'm not sure how her face could contain it. Oliver was stunned and looked mildly uncomfortable with her touch but he held onto the bottom of his sweater, offering her a small smile.

"Sei la piccola cosa più carina!" Mia expressed, gawking at all his features. Oliver and I didn't know what she had said but I let out a small laugh quickly covering it up with a cough as she turned her head to glare at me.

"Mom! Stop calling the poor boy cute and let them enjoy their date." Her daughter Elizabeth huffed behind the counter, tapping her pen against the counter.

"It's not a date!" Oliver and I in unison rushed out, his voice significantly more quiet than mine but heard none the less. I felt the tips of my ears redden slightly and one look at Oliver, the red of his cheeks stood out on his pale features. He immediately looked down as he felt my gaze in a shy manner and for some reason I felt guilty.

Elizabeth raised her hands up in surrender as she laughed. "My mistake damn."

Mia placed her hands on her hips shaking her head at her daughter. She quickly took hold of our shoulders and led us to a booth in the far corner. The inside interior was comforting to me, it was shades of green and white, the lighting was always dim from the above head lamps at each table. Mia watched us with her wickedly large smile as we shuffled into the booth, us sitting across one another as we each glanced at the menu giving her our drink order.

"You boys behave, I'll be back with those drinks in just a minute." She beamed, walking away from us in a hurry as the bell of the front door chimed to let her know of another arrival.

"I'm sorry about her, she's just very.... Outgoing." I chuckled to myself as I looked at Oliver.

He looked up keeping eye level with my chest as his hands were set on the booth once again fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater.

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