Chapter 33

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"Wyatt?" Heaven called as her jaw dropped.

"Heaven" Wyatt gulped then began scratching the back of his head.

"Wait! You two know each other?" Alex asked and then realization hit her, her eyes widen and she looked at Heaven. "You're his ex wife?" Alex asked and Heaven hands were balled in a fist.

"Soon to be as soon as he signs that paper and do it quickly" Heaven said then fold her arms up to her chest.

"Shit" Wyatt muttered underneath his breath. He knew Heaven was angry, why did he have to bump into her.

"What do you mean he should sign the papers?" Alex asked.

"It's nothing Alex let's forget about it, you should go home" He told Alex, his heart was beating faster and he was starting to sweat.

"No she should know since she was in on this with you" Heaven told him. "When I found out he was cheating with you I told him to sign the papers and he refuse to do so!" Heaven shouted and Alex knitted her eyebrows together.

"What do you mean? I thought it was the other way around, Wyatt you told me your wife didn't want to sign the papers when you met me" Alex said with confusion written all over her face.

"Oh did he?" Heaven asked as she looked between Wyatt and Alex. Wyatt cleared his throat then looked at Alex.

"Say something Wyatt, you fucking lied to me!" Alex shouted as tears filled her eyes "you told me you were getting a fucking divorce and that your wife didn't want to sign the papers and she's pregnant" Alex cried and Heaven raised both eyebrows then looked at him.

"You know what I don't even care, Wyatt as soon as you get home sign those papers cause leaving" Heaven told him and he just stood their dumbfounded.

"Heaven the girls finally choose their toys" Seth said and he walked up to them while holding on to both the girls hands.

"What the fuck are you doing here" Wyatt asked when he saw Seth with the twins.

"Oh so now you wanna talk, and don't talk to him he's here to help me" Heaven told him and Wyatt hands balled in a fist.

"I don't want you around my family!" Wyatt shouted. "Come on girls come to daddy" Wyatt called and the twins hid behind Seth's leg. "It's okay princess" Wyatt said and the girls didn't move.

"No not daddy" Zuri said and Wyatt raised his eyebrows.

"See what you did, you turned my girls against me" Wyatt said and Heaven rolled her eyes.

"Seth let's go, I'm going home to get my stuff, I'm not staying at his house anymore" Heaven told Seth and he nodded.

"Don't leave!" Wyatt shouted as he banged his fist against the shelf.

They left the store and went back to Heaven's car. Seth helped get the twins inside the car while Heaven got into the car seat.

"Daddy, I was scared" Zara said with a sad pout and Seth sighed.

"It's okay baby, everything will be fine" Heaven told Zara.

"I think we should've told him about us and the baby" Seth said to Heaven.

"No Seth, the twins were there and I didn't want them to see any fighting" Heaven told him as she tried getting her seatbelt on but it was giving her some problems.

"Fuck!" Heaven shouted in frustration and Zara started crying, followed by Zuri.

"Heaven calm down, remember you're pregnant try not put too much stress on you and the baby, plus you're scaring the girls" Seth calmly said and Heaven run her hand through her hair.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why but I feel like crying too, I don't want to cry but I do" Heaven sniffed as tears filled her eyes.

"Girls it's okay, mommy's a little sad but she'll be happy again okay" Seth assured them and they nodded while rubbing their eyes.

"Heaven shhh" Seth said then hugged her "it's okay" he softly said and Heaven nodded while sobbing in his chest. "Do you wanna come stay with me now?" Seth asked and Heaven shook her head.

"I do but first I have to get my stuff, pick me up tomorrow okay" Heaven sniffed as Seth pulled back.

"Okay but if anything happens call me okay, drive safe and no more crying" Seth warned and Heaven smiled. Seth pecked Heaven's lips then kissed the twins forehead. "Cheer mommy up okay" Seth said and the twins nodded.

"Cheer up okay mommy" Zuri said and Heaven smiled, Seth put the seat belt around Heaven then kissed her forehead one more time. He stepped away from the car, closed the door then watched as Heaven drove off.

When Heaven reached home she continued packing hers and the twins stuff. "Mommy" Zuri called as she walked into Heaven's room.

"Baby, mommy is doing something okay" Heaven told her as she picked up the bags then place them to the side. "Ahh" Heaven whimpered when she started having back pains. Placing her hand on her back she sat down on the bed then sighed. She took a few breaths then closed her eyes.

"Mommy, why are going away?" Zuri asked and Heaven opened her eyes.

"Mommy and daddy aren't happy so we are going to live with Seth" Heaven told her as Zuri approached her.

"Okay and don't be sad" Zuri said then skipped out if the room.

"I won't baby, I still have other things to do but I don't want to over work myself" Heaven said then sighed. She took a few deep breaths then closed her eyes. Heaven felt the baby moving and a small smile came to her face. Placing her hand on her bump, she began making circles while humming to a song to keep herself calm. The door burst opened and her eyes fluttered open. An angry Wyatt stood infront of her with his hands balled in a fist.

"Heaven what do you think you're doing?" He asked then pointed at the bags placed to the side of the room.

"I'm leaving and I need you to sign these papers" Heaven said as she slowly got up. Walking over to the drawer she picked up the paper then handed it to him.

"I'm not signing the papers Heaven!" He shouted and Heaven rolled her eyes.

"We are getting a divorce go be with Alex, just leave me alone" Heaven said in frustration.

"Is this about Alex, I'm sorry but I have to take care of her too she's carrying my baby, come on Heaven we can be a family again please" he begged.

"Get out of my room, make sure the papers are signed by tomorrow or I'll take it to the court" Heaven said and Wyatt walked out of the room slamming the door shut.


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