what the fuck!!

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Going straight home, type went in to slam the door to then place his back to it to grit his teeth and hard.
What in the flying hell was that! Nothing has happened between us for over a year and he does that! I am more then my fucking body!
Type took in a deep breathe to dart his eyes a bit to then go to the living room to then start to walk back and forth to think.
I do have his semen in me. I can call this what it is, rape! Can go to the police! Need to show this son of a bitch he can't do these things to people and get away every it.
Type stopped to eye the floor to sign.
But..... Then everyone is going to know. Even his father. I still have so much respect for that man.
Type then turned to go to the couch to then flop down to look forward to sign.
What can I do? This is not okay, if he did it once he will again. I am not his bitch, I am not just a body for him to use!
Type then lifted his head back to eye the ceiling.
Why can't he just leave me alone! He touched so many others before I was able to leave him. Is that why he keeps doing this, cause I left?
Type made a face to then turn his head slightly to look to the side, to flex his jaw.
I was finally getting over him and this had to happen. Why! Why does he keep doing this! I had every right to leave a toxic situation, I just couldn't allow this anymore.
Type closed his eyes to then hunch himself over to then place his elbows to his knees to then place his hands to his eyes has tears started to soak them.
A bit later, he was too his bath to then lean to the end to sign, he then brought up his hand to look at his fingers to make a face.
Hope I got him out of me.
Type placed his hand through the water to look forward.
I really do need to get out of this job, however when I tried, the asshole talked to everyone in this field, giving me a very negative light. Can't leave this company even if I tried.
Type then sank a bit to place his chin and mouth under the water to eye the surface to then blow little bubbles.
God! I am 25 years old and I'm letting this 21

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