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(A serious episode)

Sicheng sits down beside mark and they chat. Doyoung tries to make conversation with you. Yuta just sits on his phone while others act a fool. Johnny sees you laughing with Doyoung so he calls your name.

Johnny: "y/n let's sing a song!"
You: "I'm good."
Doyoung: "just sing at least one."

You get up and grab the mic. Johnny puts on overdose by Ciara.

You: "why this song."
Johnny: "because it's good."

Johnny starts singing first and you sing next. After a while you start to get more into the song. Johnny starts doling the whip and the nae nae. You start dying laughing.


Mark gets up and starts dancing with Johnny. The only two funny guys in the whole group. Doyoung starts laughing at them.

Johnny: "y/n do a dance. You're no different from us."
You: "nahh I'm good".

Sicheng gets up and changes the song. He puts on old songs and other stupid songs. Time passes and it gets more fun since Doyoung joined in. You drunk many shots of alcohol which causes you to become a little dizzy. The only person who wasn't doing anything was Yuta. He was such a party pooper and it made you mad. Sicheng put on slower songs instead of ones that'd hype you up.

Doyoung gripped your hand as you were about to sit down. He drew you in close to him, turning your back to face his chest. He whispered sweetly in your ear. "Are you leaving right now?" Knowing Doyoung wasn't the kind to make the first move, you were taken aback when you heard this. In real life, however, this is not the case. You began to dance on him gradually. Because there were so many people around, no one was paying attention. As he continued to dance with you, you began to feel comfortable. You swung around and gave him a direct stare. Johnny intervened as you were ready to lean in for a kiss.

Johnny: "hey y/n wanna order some more drinks."

You pushed him back.

You: "no."
Johnny: "well can I at least tell you something."

You yelled no louder. Everyone looked at you. You stared at Johnny as if he'd done something horrible. Johnny stares at you.

You: "can you please just leave me alone I hate you so much. You always Bug me. Go away."

You were about to go sit down since Johnny ruined your mood but he grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the room.

You: "let go."

He let you go.

Johnny: "why are you so mean to me, what did I ever do to you?!"
You: "your annoying. You text me nonstop and your always around."
Johnny: "because I like you. I've never had a friend like you. I've known yuta and mark for years but you were different. Your always so rude to me and you have me overthinking every single night. You never text me back, sometimes I'm left on read. You act as if I'm the bad guy. I just wanted to be your friend."
You: "you could've told me this through text."
Johnny: "no I couldn't have because you wouldn't have answered me. You were all hugged up on Doyoung and it hurt my feelings because I don't like seeing you with other guys. Even seeing you with Mark hurts a little because your the type to betray a friend."
You: "I'm going home-."

Johnny interrupts you and starts to yell.

Johnny: "your so drunk. Just listen to me. I'm trying to tell you how I feel and your making me feel so shitty. Why can't you just grow up and listen to me for once. I try to talk to you and get to know you but you just shut me out. You meet this guy at a bar and you've only know him for 2 weeks so you decide to have sex with him?! Your insane."
You: "I wasn't going to have sex with some guy I just met."
Johnny: "you were all up on him, and if I wouldn't have grabbed you, both of you would've been getting it in the bathroom."

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