IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 21 -Part 1-

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Sometimes I wonder why I even bother anymore: Hey! You're probably wondering why I’m so down today? Oh well, I just have a killer headache and such. WOOoooo… Yeah no. It hurts *grabs head in pain* So, wait. Why am I on computer? ‘Cause I like the computer and no amount of pain will keep me from it. Plus it’s freezing in the basement (the computer is in the basement). *shivers*

I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 21: Riddle Me This

-Part 1-: Reanswering This Question

            After a few awkward answering and questioning back and forth, Draco and I finally finished the Analysis Project Questions. All fifty-five questions had been answered. Getting to Know the Opposite: Boy’s Questions had been answered a few days ago, so my embarrassment had ended quite a while ago. A new embarrassment of answering (when I started this, finished that, wanted to do this) had begun and ended all too soon.

            Draco had answered each question with a straight face and no emotional attachment to the response. It had been as if he were talking about a completely different person, not himself. Some had been observation questions such as: “What is his daily routine?” or “How often do you find him talking with the opposite gender (academic seniors do not count)?” (to answer that: around twice: Me and Parkinson). Those were both awkward to do, but even more awkward to be caught doing. It had happened one too many times for my taste.

            We had easily enough avoided asking those non-essential extra credit questions that were on what body part types each of us had. Measurements and such (turns out Miss. Vane had been right. Extra Credit Question #58: What is the exact measurement of your partner’s penis (both erect and relaxed)? I shudder at the thought and no, not in a good way.

            Then there had been Draco’s answer to the dreaded question fifty-five.

            Quote, unquote, “She’s a filthy mudblood, that’s what I think.”

            Isn’t he just the nicest guy? Cue sarcasm here!

            “Ahem,” Draco cleared his throat as we each went over the answers we had given. I had changed a few of the answers, duly because he had answered them wrong. I did not want twenty-six kids by the time I turned two! I wanted two kids by the time I turned twenty-six. Sighing, I crossed off this answer and ignored Draco’s throat clearing. Scribbling down what I had originally said, I completely zone into my own world where Draco’s face was smashed into a wall of spikes and Hayden Christensen and I were snuggled on nice small couch together.

            “Ahem!” came that annoying noise again, breaking off right where Hayden was going to snuggle that much closer. If I didn’t answer Draco now, he would never shut up. And that I was certain of. Turning, oh so slowly of course, I look at him with an annoyed flare in my eyes.

            “What?” I snapped.

            “Er …” I could see the ‘what-the-fuck-is-up-with-her’ wheels turning in his head. “I was wondering if I could answer this question differently?” Scrunching my eyebrows together I peek at the sheet and quick as I whip my eyebrows go up into my forehead.

            Why in the world would Draco want to reanswer Question fifty-five?


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Love and fireworks,


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