How they met PT1

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Hello my fellow weebs. I thought it would be fun to make a little oneshot on how y/n met emma, norman and ray so I hope you enjoy!


Isabella: Evreyone I would like you to meet y/n! Their going to be your new sibling for a while.

Ray's POV

Mom just said that were having a new sibling. Which is weird because their around my age and most of our new siblings are newborns.


Maybe she could be another spy for mom.. I should probably not let my guard down..


However, if she was a spy like me, wouldent mom tell me?


"WHAT?" I geuss I was zoning out again because emma and normal were looking at me like I was crazy or something. "Ray, are you alright?" Norman was usually the first to say something whenever I zone out. "Ya, I'm fine. Just thinking" they were both silent. Then emma decided to speak up "about what?"   "Our new sibling, dont you think its weird that they came at such an old age? We always get newborns if we have a new sibling."   "Huh, I geuss your right maybe we should go talk to them?" Norman suggested, I honestly wasent really in the mood but it could give us some answers. "Alright let's go. They should still be in the room settling their things."

---------------------   Timeskip   ---------------------

We entered the room and I was right, they were still settling in. I didnt wanna waste anytime and I thought about a strategic way to maybe interrogate them. But of course Emma decided to make the first move. "Hi! I'm Emma, it's nice to meet you! Do you mind if me and my siblings ask you a couple questions?" I just stood their starstruck. Why the hell would she just go straight up like that?! "Eh, im Y/n it's nice to meet you to, and sure- i geuss a couple questions wouldent hurt?" Their voice was filled with confusion But they agreed which I geuss is what we mainly came here for even though it was more of a different approach thanks to Emma.

I walked over and say on a nearby bed. I didn't want to scare them but I wanted to get straight to the point. "Are you with mom?" My voice was more monotone that usual but It didnt really matter. "Uh no, I'm with you guys?" Their voice was oddly soft.. maybe they know something. "No you idiot not like that, are you working with mom?" They looked confused yet shocked. They looked like they were hiding something behind their back. "Wha- no! Of course not." So they know about this place they have to. This is gonna start to get Intresting...

Author note

I'm being completely honest with you guys I started this in march and was wat to lazy to continue it. I hope you enjoyed it though! This one wasent the. Best I've made but I tried. I'm honestly kind of getting tired of this book though and kind of debating wether or not I should end it or not.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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