6: celebrity

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I felt good.

Somehow, I had made it through my first week at East Bridge and it was actually bearable. People still mumbled about me behind my back, but I was learning to ignore them. Me and Brian never spoke a word to each other at school, so no one suspected a thing.

"Hey, are you busy right now?" Christine asked me as we left our final class.

"No, not really! I was just gonna go home."

"Great. Come with me", she grabbed my arm before I could even say anything.

I laughed. "Where are we going?"

"You'll find out soon."

We got out of school and turned down a road I'd never been down before. I didn't mind, as I hadn't seen much of the new city. Minutes later we arrived at a road with food trucks.

Christine had definitely been here before. She stopped at one, that said BURGERS, BUNS, AND MORE.

It smelt amazing.

A man with round cheeks and wavy brown hair scooped behind a hair net greeted her immediately.

"Christine! Hello, darling, How you doin?"

Oh, shoot. She knew him.

"Hey, Mr. Wood. This is Amanda, she's new here."

I smiled and waved. "Hi."

The man looked at me and grinned.

"Well hello there Amanda she's new here!"

We both laughed.

"Ethan!" the man called. "Come and say hi to your friends."

"Wait Ethan?", I said.

Christine nodded. "Mhmm."

Seconds later, Ethan appeared, with an apron on and burger buns in his hands.

Ohhh. That was his Dad!

"Oh, hey!" he exclaimed.


"You're early", he looked down at Christine.

She shrugged. "I thought I'd show Amanda."

"Well, what will you girls be having?", his Dad asked.

I hummed looking at the menu. "I'll legit eat anything, this smells like heaven."

Christine smiled.

"Amanda will have the steakhouse wrap. Trust me you'll love it."


"One steakhouse wrap," Ethan said. "And for you?"

"The usual please."

"On it."

I reached into my bag to get my purse.

Christine smirked and placed her hand on mine. "Put that away."


"It's on the house, Amanda," Ethan's Dad said. "Any friends of Ethan's get it for free!", he handed me the steaming sandwich.

"Wow, thanks."

Ethan appeared again and held a burrito.

"What's the magic word?" he said.

Christine grabbed the food before putting her middle finger up.

Ethan rolled his eyes.

His Dad laughed, then looked at me. "These two huh?"

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