Chapter 71

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Hey y'all! Here's another update! I hope ya enjoy this one! I'm slowly ramping it up into the Big War! Anyways! The song above is Hymn for the Weekend by Coldplay! Love this song! Plus, big thank you to everyone! Every comment, every vote, and read makes my heart soar! I appreciate each and everyone of you!

'A War on three fronts!!'

'Right now, all over the world, eyes fall upon a single nation; Japan, and it's descent into complete social anarchy. Entire cities in ruins. Tens of Thousands, dead, and the government in complete shambles! Heroes over there are all but extinct, the few daring to take the mantle of Hero are brutally and swiftly taken out!'

'Currently, America's Top Hero and the UK's Top Hero; Stars and Stripes and Merlin, respectively, are on the move to assist Japan after Principle Nezu, Headmaster at U.A made a surprise appearance at the yearly U.N conference!'

'What is in store next for our friends over in Japan...?'

Sitting down with a satisfied oomph, Izuku watched the dorm's TV as it broadcasted the International News Network.

Things, and by things, he meant shouting over the U.A War Table, had started to gain momentum in Sanctuary at the declaration that the US and the U.K were coming to help Japan; plans were drawn up, ideas scrapped and made, tests conducted, all to help regain a sense of balance in Japan once more.

Life had come back, finally, unlike the desolate, hopeless faces that once wandered around Sanctuary's streets, Hope filled the air once more.

But, the future is always in motion and Izuku knew that there was a terrible storm coming...

The True War was on the horizon...

For some time, the issues came from actually locating the Paranormal Liberation Front's Headquarters; it was similar to Sanctuary in that respect. Completely hidden.

It was then that Nezu slid in his suggestion,

"Why don't we lure the Front out? Give them their target?" His beady eyes locked like a rocket onto Izuku.

Commotion sprang throughout the room, none wanting for Izuku to become the bait to lure out the greatest threat the world has ever seen. It was far too dangerous.

Then Izuku spoke up quietly.

"He's right..."

The room died into silence; none were expecting Izuku to agree to being bait.

"All of us have been at it for months, trying to find All for One and the Front, but it just... isn't working. We can't locate them, meaning we need them to come to us."

Daichi's grin couldn't be wider. Stars and Stripes had come here! To Japan to fight him, and oh how he couldn't wait to get his hands on that quirk, it would allow him to take One for All for good. Merlin, on the other hand, was... interesting. He had little to no information on the man's quirk.

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