going with a plan that failed

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Going home alone once more, tharn placed his keys to the bowl, to eye the action to take in a deep breathe to then turn to go to his kitchen, to then go to his refrigerator to then open to eye about, to remember far off type telling him he needed to keep the refrigerator stocked since he made food for them everyday, tharn couldn't help but to smile a bit has he remembered when they went grocery shopping.
Signing, he then slammed the door, to then turn to place his back to it to then grab his phone to then move his thumb over types number to then look up to grit his teeth.
Has he blocked me from this one has well?
Tharn made a face to then place his phone to his back pocket to then go forth to his living room to then go to his couch to then place his arms under his head to look up.
I really miss you type.......I have no idea why you left me......if we had grown any closer we could have ended in a way you wouldn't have come back to work at all. I know you still feel something for me, if not, you wouldn't let me do what I did..... My little bitch.
Tharn took in a deep breath to then move his hand to his pocket too then grab his phone out again to actually text.
Type to his side to his bed took in deep breathes to eye his wall, he then looked up a bit to hear his phone go off.
He then brought a hand up to grab his phone to then place it over his eyes to then narrow them.
"Why in the hell are you texting me!?"
Type signed to then unlock his phone to read the text to then scoff.
He placed the phone down with a huff to then go to his back to then place his fingers to his nose to pinch.
Tharn read over his text to then send another.
Type turned his head after he moved his fingers away, to eye his phone.
First you text me letting me know you know I didn't go to the police now what do you fucking want!
Type then grabbed the phone to then place it over his face to eye the text narrowly.
Tharn: you need to come home my little bitch.
Type shook his head to then block tharn to then place the phone to his side to then wrap his arms about himself to close his eyes tightly shut.
Fuck off!
Tharn made a face to then try to text again to then part his lips has he looked over his phone to see a message that stated he was to be blocked.
Taking in a deep breathe, tharn then tossed the phone to the ground to wrap his arms about himself to grit his teeth.
Tharn then narrowed his eyes to start to re think his plan.
To the next morning, type was to the bathroom to be brushing his teeth to look himself over, to then shake his head.
Shouldn't have cleaned that prick out of my ass, should have gone to the police.
Type took the brush out to hunch himself over a bit to then spit to then place the brush away to then turn to move his arms up to then stretch.
Whats done is done. Can't do anything about it now. Know more about that then anything, just need to stay home from now on and stay the fuck away from that asshole! Need to move on!
Type took in a deep breathe, to then stop to the side of his front door to eye it a bit confused.
He then brought up his arm to then look to his wrist to see his watch.
It's 6 in the morning, who can that be.
Type made a face to then lower his arm to then go to his door, to open to then widen his eyes over tharn.
Tharn raised an eye brow to look over type.
"This place is not sufficient."
Type rolled his eyes.
"What in the fuck are you doing here! How do you even know where I live!"
"I have my ways. You need to pack and...."
Type took in a very deep breathe to then step to tharn to then shove him back to really look at him.
"Go to hell! I want nothing to do with a rapist, selfish, piece of human garbage such has yourself. You have taken so much from me and have given nothing back. Knock off this shit and go away!"
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Love your dominance, however it does not fight you."
Type growled a bit to then hit and hard tharn to his face to then push him away once more.
Tharn snapped his head forward to look over type in shock.
"Fuck off!"
Type then turned to try and go inside, tharn was a bit quicker, type started to thrash has tharn wrapped his arms about him to then take him inside his house to then close the door with his foot, to struggle with him, to then wrestle him to the ground, type then felt his arms behind him, to then start to feel his boxers be taken down.
"Don't! Don't you fucking dare! I don't want you inside me! I want to move on from you! Want to actually be in a normal healthy relationship! I...... Want to be with someone who actually loves me and doesn't use me for my body!"
Tharn stopped the action of pulling down his boxers to then look over type.
"I have never used you for your fucking body! I have told you to take that out of your fucking head!"
Type rolled his eyes to then turn his head to look up.
"I still want someone who feels what I felt for them! I want to be loved! I have never felt that with being with you! You soulless prick!"
Tharn made a hard face to dart his eyes to then take in a deep breathe to then get up to leave, slamming the door behind him.
Type took in deep breathes to turn to sit to place his hands to either side of himself to look over the back of the door feeling so very highly confused.
What..... What......What was that......

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