In A Blink Of An Eye

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I looked away from the boring television that was just going on and on about why the titanic sunk. I mean come on, it hit a big chunk of ice, it's a boat THEY SINK, to see my mom applying her lipstick in the mirror then stepping back to look at her reflection.

"I'll be back later sweetie." My mom said picking up her purse and coat.

"Ok. Have fun on your date." I stated as I rolled my eyes continuing to flip through the channels on the television.

"Emily don’t act like that." My mom said walking over to e and kissing the top of my head. 

I didn't even look up, just stared straight at the TV. "I know but why must you go on a date tonight? Why can't you just stay home? We can watch a movie?"

She let out a little laugh, "I know but it's just one date. I'll come home right after and we will watch any film you want. Ok love?"

I looked at her and sighed softly going back to the TV.

"Ok mom. Have fun, love you." I said as she walked to the front door, putting her coat on.

"Love you too! See you later."

She closed the door and there I was, left on my Saturday night in the middle of January by myself to occupy the hours until she got home. Not only was I by myself but there has been a weather report of a severe thunderstorm in our area and I'm afraid of thunder. This night of all nights she picks. I hate being by myself.

But while I’m sitting here doing nothing but watching mindless shows about who's getting pregnant and who's fighting who, let me explain myself.

My names Emily Rose Sullivan. I’m currently 5'1, 17 year old girl. I have long curly brown hair and brown eyes. I'm not the prettiest girl in the world but the only feature I like about myself is my hair. Everyone says I’m beautiful, well if you consider my mom as everyone then yeah haha.

So let me tell you about my life. It has been your typical everyday run of the mill family except for 2 years ago when my dad died from cancer. We found out when my mom ad I drove him to the doctors because he wasn't feeling well. We waited half an hour in the gross waiting room for them to tell us. It hit me like a ton of bricks but it was too late, he died 2 months after we found out. All I did was sit in my room after, leaving only to go to school and eat. My mom was the same but for some reason I felt like she got over it faster than me, and she was married to him. But that's said and done, yes I still have my mom and I love her very much but I kind of miss having a man in the house, especially since my mom's working 80% of the day. That's one reason I really didn't want her going out tonight. Tonight was the first night she had off in like months and she chooses to go on a date. My mom's been having to pick up more shifts as a nurse to pay the bills so I never see her and when I do it's either when we sit down to eat dinner for the half an hour I get before she goes to work or the 10 minutes I see her before I walk to the bus and go to school.

But enough about my life, I need to eat something before my stomach starts to eat itself. I threw the remote next to me fed up with what was on TV. and walked to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and peered inside to find nothing but my mom's icky weight loss meals and some fruit that looked a bit "overdone". I closed the fridge and walked to the cabinets opening on that held the only meal that made me smile, mac n' cheese!

Taking the box down made my stomach growl even louder.

"Shut up stomach, I'm going to feed you." I giggled slightly knowing my stomach was not going to respond back and that I need to get out more or I'm going to start talking to things. What's next, the television?


After finally making the BEST mac n' cheese ever, I sat on the couch and looked at the clock on the wall.

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