25 - I Really Am Built Different

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Damn, I really pulled a trigger for her, huh.

But, in a way, this puts things in some perspective. Before I had seen her do inhuman shit that was beyond explanation but now that it happened to me, I think I'm buying into her story of being a Grim reaper, or Grimmer, as they're calling themselves.

But that still doesn't explain quite a few things.

"Okay, okay, sorry. I understand and even believe you now," I said, her leg now off my head, I looked up at her with a strain. It was starting to hurt, actually. "Fine, we all have a soul, nay, we are the soul and we either become Rakshas food when we die or get saved by you all so that we can be reborn again experience the shitty cycle of life once again. But that still doesn't explain why we're here. Or rather why I'm here."

"Because you're in danger."

"Yes, you said that, thank you, but you didn't say from whom, and also—would you just release me from this damn thing? I'll end up breaking my neck or something by just talking to you," I said trying to get out of the bindings by myself. I failed. But hey, atleast she listened to me.

I stretched out my limbs like a cat waking up from its nap as I stood up. Suddenly the urge to sit down kinda just vanished. "Wait, is it Quadro? Is it the one that's after me or something? I thought your short friend killed it." Maybe it wants revenge? For what? Giving it a target to hunt down? A target that it could kill easily? Strange way of showing gratitude. No wonder it's a Rakshas

"Kill who?" The Grimmer asked.

"Quadro," I repeated but then realised she probably wasn't familiar with my technical term for it. "The Rakshas from yesterday. What was its name? Akkororororoi or something."

"...y-you named the Rakshas that almost killed you?" She asked with a smile creeping up on her face.

"Well, yeah, I did—Oi, why are you laughing?! Don't laugh at me! Just—Just answer the damn question!"

"Sorry, sorry," She tried to get her hysterical laughter down but she still looked like she would burst out any moment. It's not that weird to name your enemy...is it?

"But, yeah Ryou did kill...Quadro, Haha!" and she burst out in laughter again. Taking a few deep breaths, she calmed down and continued with a grin, "Okay that was the last time. Yes, my little brother did kill the Rakshas but that's not the one we came here for. Well, not the only one we came here for. Our official mission is to take care of the rising Rakshas quantity in this town. Unofficially, right now, we're have decided to be here for you. To save you."

"But why? What did I do? I didn't even know about their existence until yesterday. I didn't even know you all existed, no offence." Which, if you ask me, seems a bit fishy. Like I get not meeting a Grimmer or meeting one but not recognising them but a Rakshas? They don't seem like the folks that would blend in with the rest of the crowd.

Don't see a lot of tentacled humans with crystals inbetween their eyes every day.

Unless ofcourse they're always shapeshifting.

"Nothing. You're completely innocent. It's just...look it's really complicated and honestly, I didn't even want to do this thing. I was basically forced into this by Ash. Honestly, I'm not sure why he wants to do this. So can't you just accept everything so we can move on and have him explain things to you in a few days?"

"No! I will not move on. If I'm in danger, I need to know about it!"

Right? Tell me I'm not crazy for wanting to know more.

"I hate this extra work," She mumbled and took a pause in her speech. Probably thinking about how to explain things to me. Hopefully.

"Okay, think of it like this. Rakshas are eternally hungry monsters that are always on a hunt to search for food, to satisfy and fill that empty void in themselves. And to do that, they consume the Light Ruh. So think about it—" she took a totally unnecessary dramatic pause, like seriously, why? Why can't she just say it? "—why don't they just kill humans left and right?"

Grimoire - Vol 1. Revelation of RakshasWhere stories live. Discover now