31 - Ruckus With A Rakshas v1.0

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The person I can be?

Was she telling the truth?

Was that even possible?

Taking hold of the square pill from her thin fingers, I stared at it. Could this tiny pill really help me? Can this really make me strong?

To be honest, if this were any other time, I would've dismissed it as some bullshit.

Infact, I am dismissing it as some bullshit right now. Yet there's this small part of me that's, for some reason...

For some reason, it's really pushing me to believe her.

No, it was more like I wanted to believe her now. To take my chances with her. To trust her.

And while I would love to just stand here in our own personal time dilation zone, chit-chatting, discussing what the pill does, its side effects, etc—I couldn't come up with more examples, though this is a time-sensitive event so give me a break—but the screams and destruction happening around and above us kinda made me hurry up.

I mean, honestly, I'm surprised the Rakshas hadn't yet captured the pair and eaten them already. Well, yeah, also I'm glad for that but...you know.

Popping the pill in my mouth and ingesting it dry—I hate gulping down pills without water—I shot off towards the now half-destroyed building and tried to think of my game plan which went more or less along the lines of—

'Okay, Aarav, what's your plan here...Do I shout and tell the mother-son pair to come towards me? Nah, between all this destruction, I doubt they'll be able to hear me. Or even have the courage to move. Maybe I can gain the attention of the Rakshas towards me, get it away from the pair and instead let me fight with him. Now that could work, but chances of me surviving that are kinda slim...'

Seeing the stairs I figured I'll just take them and climb higher. Go to the scene rather than bring the scene to me.

And yeah, I do get that's a bit of a long way up but in a way, this was just me trying to prolong the time before I started the fight.

Why? Well, a number of reasons, to be honest. Maybe giving the pill enough time for its effects to start showing up. Maybe warming up my body before getting into the strenuous fight and not dying because I had cramps suddenly.

Or maybe it was just that. To give me more time to be, well, alive. Who knows how long this re-found heroism would last.

Just because I was on the receiving end of a pep talk and happened to consume a—what I imagine from Reizumi's words to be some sort of a—magical steroid pill, doesn't mean I instantly developed fearlessness mixed with boldness and courage sprinkled on the top.

Courage and boldness aside. I was shit scared when I took the pill.

Infact, I was shit scared even now.

My heart was beating at a rate it had never beat before and the reason for that wasn't the high-intensity cardio I was doing at the moment

...It was fear, if the answer wasn't obvious. Sure, the cardio helped too but it was mostly fear.

Actually, the run-up wasn't as stressful as I thought it would be.

Like sure, it was just six floors but still, I barely felt any tiredness in my body or sweat laminating my skin.

Was it the pill?

The colours around me did seem bright. My body felt light but also powerful.

It reminded me of yesterday. The moment I first did the magic and managed to land my first hit on Quadro.

Grimoire - Vol 1. Revelation of RakshasWhere stories live. Discover now