Chapter 140: Aaron Needs Help

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Chapter 140: Aaron Needs Help

After Zak and I had arrived home from volunteering at the shelter, we had lunch, and then Aaron had called.

Aaron said he needed to talk to me about something he needed help with. He suggested the idea of Zak and I coming over to his place for dinner with him and Cheryl, or – if it would be more comfortable for me - if they could come over to our place and we could order something in. Since I was having a good day, I suggested the four of us going out to dinner on a double date, to which Aaron happily agreed.

For the rest of the afternoon, Zak and I decided to take it easy. After debating what to do – and with Zak insisting we could do what I wanted – I decided to boot up my Playstation 4 to continue playing the latest game to my collection: "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition".

The game is an open world Role Playing Game, which basically means while there is a storyline to follow, there is also plenty of optional quests and things you can do. I had originally played the game on my Playstation 3 when it was released, but it was such a fun and fantastic game, that when it was released for the Playstation 4 with additional content and improved graphics, I had to get it.

I was currently working on a quest that involved me exploring an underground cave. Zak was sitting on the couch, and I was sitting next to him, leaning against his chest, and he had his arm around me. Part of me always felt a bit guilty I was doing something Zak wasn't really involved with, but he insisted he always had fun watching me. Besides, I would often give him the controller so we were at least taking turns.

But during this particular instance, Zak was restless, as if he had something on his mind.

"Okay, what's up?" I asked, pausing the game and turning my head to look up at him.

"Huh?" Zak said, a little confused. "What do you mean?" He asked, looking down at me.

"You're practically turning the couch into a vibrating couch with all your movement," I said teasingly.

Zak chuckled.

"Sorry, I'm un...just wondering what Aaron wants to talk to you about," Zak said.

"That's all? I'm sure it's nothing major," I replied, feeling relieved as I looked back at the television and unpaused the game to resume my exploration. "Maybe he wants to get a gift for Cheryl or something, and wants my opinion," I added.

"Maybe..." Zak said, although he didn't sound satisfied. "But he usually comes to me when it comes to girlfriend stuff," Zak added.

"Well, Cheryl and I are best friends, so if he's looking to get her something, doesn't it make more sense to come to me?" I said, and then let out a squeak of fear when three spiders – about half the size of my character - suddenly appeared in front of my character, rising up from the ground. "Damn spiders!" I hissed, beginning to fight them.

I hated spiders. I wouldn't necessarily say I had Arachnophobia – which is a fear of spiders. If I came across one, I usually was able to deal with it. But if they were large ones, then I always had to get someone else to deal with it. I knew that spiders were good for the ecosystem, but the multiple legs and eyes?


Zak couldn't help laughing quietly at my reaction, and his hand rubbed my upper arm as if I needed actual comfort.

"Yeah, I guess...just wish he'd tell us what it was about..." Zak said, sounding a little off.

After defeating the spiders, I paused the game and looked up at him. I studied him for a minute, and smiled.

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