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Spring break:

Lauren: you three be careful, Tony look out for your sisters

Antonio: yes ma'am

Myllion pov: we were going to myrtle beach for spring break and I couldn't wait. We met up with everybody at the airport and waited for our flight time.

Major: how you sleep last night ?

Myllion: I didn't (yawns)

Major: why not?

Myllion: couldn't get comfortable, my leg was kinda bothering me

Major: how it feel now ?

Myllion: much better (lays her head on his shoulder )

April: uh oh, I smell $100 coming my way (looking at Major and myllion )

Myllion: laughs) shut up

Antonio: what you think about dude ? He good for little sis?

Damien: yeah, I feel he's what she needs. He got a good head on his shoulders

Antonio: cool cool

Major pov: once our plane came we boarded and myllion was knocked out. The moment we touched down in South Carolina I gently tapped her to wake her up and we got off the plane. Our rental was waiting for us so me and the guys put all the bags in the trunk and then got in. The air bnb was nice and roomy.

Myllion:(walking in to a room) want this one ?

Major: yeah it's cool (following her )

Myllion:sits on the bed ) why you acting shy? I am your girlfriend you don't gotta be so far away

Major: sits next to her ) I know but we talking things slow.

Myllion:(nods) okay

Sabrina:(comes to the door way) yo millz we finna get changed and head to get some food, y'all coming ?

Myllion: I'm not, I think I'm just gonna take a nap (opening her bag)

Major: I'll come

Sabrina: okay (walks away)

(Major gets up and shuts the door)

Major: you don't wanna go eat ?

Myllion: no I don't ( getting out her toiletries and some clothes)

Major: what's wrong ?

Myllion: I get that we said we would take things slow but it's been 3 weeks now and you act like we still friends. You don't even lay with me.

Major:(sighs) I'm sorry baby ( wraps his arms around her waist )I just want to make you comfortable. I know what you went through in ya last relationship and I don't want to move to fast.

Myllion: I'm over that, I'm focused on us. I just want you to act like my boyfriend please. I want cuddles and hugs and foot massages. Stuff like that

Major:(smiles) okay I got you ( kisses her ) now you coming to lunch ?

Myllion: no I still wanna sleep

Major;(laughs) want me to stay?

Myllion: you don't have to, go out and enjoy yourself

Major: nah I'll stay with you, I'm kinda tired to

Myllion pov: me and Major took our showers and got in the bed. He wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close. It felt so good to be in his arms. I turned around to face him and just stared in his eyes for a minute. He is so damn fine.

Myllion: can I tell you something ?

Major:( nods) yeah, wassup?

Myllion: I'm a virgin

Major:( shocked) really ?


Major: 5 years with your ex and you never thought about it?

Myllion:(shakes her head) I don't know why but I just didn't feel comfortable with him like I do with you. I trust you

Major: wow

Myllion: I want you to be my first , when the time is right

Major:alright. I can do that (smiles)

Myllion:(smiles and kisses him) thank you

Major pov: I was kinda shocked that myllion was a virgin. She was wit her ex 5 years and they never had sex. I understand it tho, if she wasn't ready she just wasn't ready. I'm ready when she is.

Major: everybody over hyped it and rushes into it, I wish I would've waited

Myllion: you for real ?

Major: yeah, the girl I was wit was a little older than me at the time and all my homeboys was doing it so I was kinda pressured into it. It wasn't good

Myllion: what if I'm not good ? I can't do all that stuff the pornstars be doing

Major: bae I'm sure when it happens it will be great. Just do what you know how to do. (Kisses her) I bet it will be amazing

Myllion:( smiles ) I hope

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