Chap.4 || Demon and A New Friend

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-Some weapons
-Mention of murder

~A Few Years Later~

Gem's POV

It's been a few years since I found the Crystal Cliffs and it has been amazing! I found a village nearby and I've built a couple of buildings in the empire. I've built a gatehouse and a little hospital just in case some villagers need help. 

I miss FWhip but I'm sure he's fine without me. I've also started building a few foundations for future builds, but now I was currently building my Wizard tower.

I've been building it all day and I still haven't finished it yet, only the base was finished. I am feeling a little bit tired though, I decided to go home and get some sleep. 

"C'mon Gandalf, let's go and get some rest." I said as Gandalf followed me up the stairs, I firstly shower then finally I get to sleep after a long day of building. I laid down on the bed as Gandalf curled up beside me. 

"Goodnight Gandalf." I yawned petting Gandalf, Gandalf meowed in return. Gandalf curls closer to me as I fell into a deep slumber.

~In The Morning~

I woke up to soft grey fur on my face, which I realized was Gandalf. I sat up and yawned, I stretched as usual and rubbed my eye. "Morning, what's up Gandalf?" I ask still tired. Gandalf just meowed and jumped onto my bedside table, I looked at it and saw the note I put there.

It was a note reminding me to continue my wizard tower, I have seen plenty of magic here in the crystal cliffs so I'm positive the magic here is real. 

I got up and got ready for the day, I decided that I was gonna chop down some trees from the village for my wizard tower. I went down the stairs and told Gandalf to stay at home and protect the empire.

I got my rockets out and shot into the sky using my elytra. You may be asking how I got it and well, I just found it in a chest in my house for some reason. Don't know who left it there but I wanna thank them.

I flew over to the village and said Hello to a couple of villagers before going over to chop some wood. I was almost finished cutting some wood when I heard a laugh. 


I flinched. "I-I hate that.." I laughed it off, "I don't like that." 

I looked at the sky and realized it was darkening, I pulled out my sword just in case something attacked me. It started to rain which made it worse, I heard thunder. I don't like this. 

I decided to go back to my empire. As I was about to go back to the gates of my empire, I saw a black figure with red eyes standing on top of my gate staring right at me. My eyes widened in fear as it disappeared. 

I shook my head and ran to my empire, I ran in and looked around. I looked up to see it standing on the balcony of my house. For a second I could see a nametag. 

It read 'Xornoth'

I used a rocket and shot into the sky, I pulled out my sword and charged at the demon. Just as I was about to hit it, it disappeared making me crash to the ground. I went down the stairs to make sure everything was okay and luckily it was.

I glanced around my empire, I had my bow in my hands just in case. I heard a thud coming from my nether portal, I immediately aimed my bow at whatever made that noise. It was that demon Xornoth.

I released my arrow hoping that it would hurt him in some way but my arrow just went through him. I start to panic, if I can't hit or hurt him then...

"Run..." Xornoth said in a threatening tone. 

I wasted no time and immediately shot into the sky, I was scared and I didn't know what to do. I flew over the village and just headed to a forest. I wasn't looking at where I was going and I crashed into something. luckily I wasn't that high off of the ground so I only took a bit of damage. 

"What in the-" I said before realizing I crashed into someone. She had a mix of blond and light brown hair, she was wearing a long green dress, and she was wearing a sunflower crown. 

"Oh, uhm. Sorry for that, here let me help you." I said getting up and helping the woman up. She smiled, "Thank you." "Anytime! I'm Gem, what's your name?" I ask, "Gem? Sounds like a familiar name, but anyways I'm Pearl. Nice to meet you." She said shaking my hand.

"What are you doing out here?" I ask, "Well, to make things short. I found red nether wart scattered around my empire and I'm going to go to a friend's empire to make sure he's alright." Pearl explained. "Red nether wart? I was running away from my empire since a demon sorta threatened to kill me." I said scratching the back of my head. 

"Oh god, that must have been terrible." Pearl said, "Oh no! It's completely fine, you should go back to that friend of yours." I said. Pearl rubbed her temple, "Right, I gotta go but see ya sometimes Gem!" "See ya!"

Pearl's POV

I shot back into the sky after saying goodbye to a new friend. Gem huh? Sounds like someone awfully familiar.

I decided to not think about it too much since I have to go to FWhip's place. Maybe its also a good idea if we have a meeting.

Now that I think of it, I haven't heard from Sausage in a while. Maybe I should check on him.

I flew across what looks like an Empire. Huh, I've never seen this empire before. Must be Gem's. I flew across the mountains to the Grimlands.

I land safely inside the village and looked around for FWhip. I barged inside his mega base startling a few guards and his maid River.

"Ah, Queen Pearl! What brings you here today?" She asks, "I'm here to dicuss something with FWhip, have you seen him?" I ask hurriedly, River seemed to be concerned but told me where FWhip was.

I ran to the throne room and found FWhip sitting on a chair, he seems to be focused on thinking.

"FWhip?" I called softly as to not startle him, his head snapped up as he looked at me. His eyes widened, "Pearl? What are you doing here?" He asks getting up. I walk towards him, "Well, I was wondering if anything out of the ordinary happened?" I ask trying not to get straight to the point.

"Well, yeah. I heard this creepy laugh and all of the sudden I saw Sausage. He gave me some soul lanterns and just left." He explained, I tilt my head in confusion. Sausage wouldn't have just left, he would have been concerned aswell.

"Really? I saw random pieces of nether wart around my empire, I replaced them with some moss though." I explained.

FWhip hummed in response, "I also crashed into this person on my way here." I said remembering the encounter, "Really?" He asked. "Yeah, she said that she saw a demon that sort of threatened to kill her. Luckily she didn't get killed and ran out of her empire." I explained.

FWhip grabbed his communicator and typed something in, "Demon huh? I'm messaging Sausage to see if we can all meet here. This thing could be dangerous and I'm making sure all of you are safe."

I sighed, "Alright, I have to go back to do some business at my empire. If you need anything or something happens just message me, I'll also keep an eye on that corruption."

"Alright, stay safe out there." FWhip said before I walked out of his base and shot into the sky using a rocket.

Looks like we're gonna have problems with this Demon.

Word count: 1378 words

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