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"This is good

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"This is good. This is great." Amelia let out, moving from the bathroom to the wardrobe, at the attending's lounge. "I don't have to sneak out, I don't have to sneak in... when I want sex, I can just come over. Well, as long as the kids are asleep."

"Amelia." Helena shut her eyes with a chuckle, a light blush taking over her cheeks.

"Can you stop it?" Maggie requested, as Meredith simply snacked on some cereal, on the couch.

"Why would I want to stop it when I can just do this whenever we want?" Amelia smiled, bending down slightly to press a kiss to Helena's lips, who had a few articles in front of her, sitting at the table.

"Ok... this is- I'm just gonna... ok." Helena decided, grabbing the article nearest to her and lifting it up to read, clearly flustered.

"You're flashing your money after going to the ATM, we get it. You're sex-rich. It is not polite to brag in front of people who are sex-poor." Maggie complained. "Lena doesn't brag. Lena is polite. Be more like Lena."

"Yeah, I don't really do sex talk?" The shorter woman let out. "Not about my sex life anyway. I'm all for hearing if anyone wants to share." She shot Meredith a glare.

The blond was still to tell her sister she'd hooked up with the man Maggie had taken an interest to.

"Nope. Nothing to share." The blond simply let out, almost hiding behind her bowl of cereal.

Just then, everyone's pagers went off, Amelia reading out. "Multiple MVCs coming into the ER."

"Hey, Pierce, I got a valve replacement." Riggs let out, opening the door, as Helena got up from her seat and piled up all the paperwork. "You got the ER?"

At that, the woman took a moment to answer, her mouth falling open. "Yep. I can cover the pit."

"Good. Shepherd, Campos. Grey." He let out, leaving the room.

"Was that normal?" Maggie asked.

"Very normal." Helena comforted. "Now, ER. Let's go."


"Kara, I need you to try and slow your breathing. Can you try to do that for me?" Helena requested, as she put some gel on a pregnant's woman stomach. The girl had been involved in a car accident, during a funeral procession.

"Oh, God, is he alive? I can't even feel his little kicks." She hyperventilated, as the fetal surgeon furrowed her brows, focusing.

"He may be less active from the pain meds we gave you, ok?" Owen suggested, as Helena began the ultrasound.

"Please, just tell me, is he..."

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