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The cop cars' sirens were loud, but Olivia couldn't hear them. Plus, there were no cops to stop her from running into the house and telling her the property was now considered a crime scene.

I'm glad I wasn't there to hear Olivia's scream when she saw the sight of all the dead bodies. It would've broke me.

"Fezco? Fezco!" Liv yelled, rummaging through the house. She sobbed and let out a cough as she tripped on a dead body, hearing static from a broken walky talky.

"L-Liv." Fez whispered, clutching at his stomach.

Olivia heard his whispered and gasped, running over and falling beside Fez. She sobbed and turned him over so that he was laying on his back.

"Oh my god. Oh my god." She cried. Without thinking, she took her shirt off and wrapped it around Fez's wound. It was small and wasn't going to do much good if they didn't get Fezco to a hospital.

She looked down at him as she tried her best to tie her shirt around him, leaving her in her bra. As she did, she heard Fezco whisper again.

"Ash." He sighed.

Then, as Olivia tried her best to tie the thin fabric against Fez's bloody shirt, a new set of hands joined her to help.

"This isn't gonna work. Here."

There Ashtray kneeled beside the girl, taking his shirt off and handing it over.

Olivia didn't take the shirt. She stared at him for a second before engulfing him into a hug, his body hugging her right back just as tight.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't.." Ashtray started, tearing up a little. Olivia let out a relieved sigh, but quickly turned back to Fezco.

"It doesn't matter. We need to get out of here and get Fezco to a hospital." She breathed out. Fezco grabbed Olivia's wrist.

"No. No doctors." He groaned. Liv shook her head.

"I don't care. If I don't get you to a hospital now you'll die. You're not leaving me like this, okay?" She pushed.

Liv didn't wait for a response. She directed Ashtray where to keep his hands and told him to press down as hard as he could while Liv pulled the car around. As she drove and pulled her keep in front of the house, Ashtray struggled to haul Fezco to the backseat.

While he did, Olivia walked to the front of the house. She didn't know what happened, but it didn't really matter. No matter how much Fezco or Ashtray had fucked up, no matter how many cops were dead, she would always back them up. They were her family. They went down together like family.

Liv pulled a lighter out of her back pocket, running back into the house.

Ashtray and Fez weren't going to have their life destroyed because of this. Ashtray was just a baby. Fezco was the love of her life. There were too many bodies, too much evidence that would lead back to the two of them.

She didn't care about the drugs in the house and how much money they would loose; she'd pay them back. She didn't care if they wouldn't have a house after she did what she was going to do; they could move in with her. She just knew she needed to get rid of everything.

Liv found two duffel bags in the house and shoved a few random belongings of Fez and Ashtray into the bags; clothes, chains, things with sentimental value, and all of Fez's grandma's meds and medical supplies. She then texted Ashtray to come back in after Fez was in the car to help her with the bags and pulling their grandma out of the house.

It was a struggle, and they had to make two trips for the bags, grandma and her setup. It was a miracle they were able to fit everything in the car. Neither Ashtray of Fez questioned what she was doing; Ashtray because he was in shock, and Fez because he thought he was hallucinating, seeing his grandma next to him in the back of Olivia's jeep.

Liv ran back into the house for the hallway closet and pulled out a bottle of nail polish remover. Then, she took it with her and ran to the kitchen stove, setting the bottle on fire and throwing it into the living room.

Smoke started to fill the house quickly. As Olivia ran out, she saw a cop on the floor trying to crawl his way out. She choked out a sob as she realized what was going on.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." Liv cried.

The cop looked at Olivia in the eyes, but all she could do was shake her head. He was shot and bleeding, but still alive.

Liv remembered how Ash was still struggling to get their grandma in the car, and the fire that was getting bigger and bigger by the moment.

The cop muttered something, but she couldn't understand what it was. She knew that if she tried to help him, though, she would be putting Fez and Ash in jeopardy. Their lives would be ruined.

"God forgive me." Liv whispered.

She wiped her face of her tears as best she could and left the house, it continuing to burst into flames behind her. When she got outside, she took a deep breath of the fresh air and saw Ash struggling.

As everything got situated in the car, they heard more cop cars in the distance. It was a reminder that they had to get out of there fast.

When Liv started driving away, Ashtray stared at the burning house with no expression. He then looked back at Liv. He knew what she did.

"Thank you." He said, monotoned. Olivia looked at him through the rear view, cop sirens getting farther and farther away.

All she could do was shake her head.

"I'm sorry." He continued.

Again, she shook her head. Even though she didn't know what happened yet, she knew she couldn't blame him. He was just a kid.

The nearest hospital was almost 30 minutes away. Fezco groaned, and Olivia stared ahead, driving recklessly.

"Please don't take him. Please don't take him. Please don't take him." She whispered as she drove.

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