Chapter 13- unexpected ally part-5

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The captain and Gavin are walking down the hallway. Gavin feels bad for making his captain look bad in front of King Fendrel. Gavin speaks "Captain I'm—" the captain angrily pushes Gavin to the wall and punches him in the stomach. Gavin speaks after taking the punch "ugh" The captain speaks very angrily "How dare you! You Made me look like a fool in front of king Fendrel!" Gavin speaks "I apologize my captain I-" the captain grabs Gavin's hand. The captain speaks still very angrily "You do it again I will chop off your hand" The captain sees Thomas walking down the hall. The captain quickly let's go and looks at Gavin. The captain speaks "Go home Gavin I am no need for you today" the captain walks away. Gavin sighs. Thomas walks up to Gavin and makes it to him. Thomas speaks "Gavin are you alright?" Gavin speaks "I'm okay" Gavin does a small bow to Thomas and than speaks "I apologize Thomas I don't want to ruin your special day" thomas speaks "Thanks Gavin" Gavin speaks " I wanted to give you a gift" Gavin grabs a small trinket from his pocket. Gavin opens his hand it's wooden carved Knight he gently gives it to Thomas and Thomas gently takes it. Thomas smiles at the wooden carving and then looks at Gavin. Thomas speaks "I love it Gavin thank you" Thomas Hugs Gavin. Gavin a Little startled but he hugs Thomas back. Thomas and Gavin stop hugging and look at Each other. Gavin speaks "I need to be going have a good day Thomas" Thomas speaks "I'll see you later?" Gavin speaks "You will" Gavin looks at Thomas one more time and than walks away. Gavin makes his way down the castle stairs. Gavin makes it down the stairs he sees Clara target practicing with her bow and arrow every shot she hits the bull's-eye area and hits the yellow area. Gavin walks to Clara. Clara hits her final shot. Clara looks to her left and sees Gavin she speaks "oh hi Gavin are you taking a break?" Gavin Sighs of disappoint. Clara sees Gavin not happy she gently touches his arm. Gavin smiles a little. Clara speaks with a gently tone "Why don't we go back to You're place to talk" Gavin nods his head yes both of Clara and Gavin make there way to his home. Time has passed Gavin and Clara are at his home drinking ale in his kitchen Gavin just finished telling Clara what happened. Clara speaks "You're captain is such a ass The fact he said that found it is just bullshit and the fact he threatened to cut your hand's unbelievable" Gavin speaks "I don't know I wonder maybe I should have-" Clara speaks "No you did the right thing" Gavin speaks "I—" Clara gently puts her hand on Gavin's cheek. Clara whispers "You did the right thing" Gavin smiles without thinking he kisses Clara. Gavin quickly pulls away his face is turning red. Clara in stock what he did. Clara speaks "I thought we were just Going to be friends after we-" Gavin speaks "I'm so sorry I mean I'm not I mean I am uhh-" Clara sees Gavin and without saying anything kisses him. Gavin and Clara looked at each other. Gavin and Clara start kissing. Gavin starts gently unlacing Clara's shirt. Both Gavin and Clara stop kissing after hearing a knock on a door. Gavin looks at Clara and does a hand gesture to his mouth to stay quiet to Clara. Clara nods her head yes. Gavin goes to the door.

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