Ceremonial and serendipitous "coming out" affair

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Maze awoke to the sensation of her phone vibrating in her pocket—and the sound of Kass groaning in annoyance whilst saying, "Turn it off..."

Her limbs were stiff and movements mechanical as she fetched her phone, uttering a soft apology to Kass as she answered the call and put the speaker to her ear. "Hello?" she croaked.

"MAISY MORI!" someone screamed, and it took a second for Maze's eyes to focus on the caller ID. It was Declan. "Where the hell are you?! Oh my God, are you all right?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" she said, clearing her throat.

"Where's Kass? Is she with you?"

"Yeah, she's right here—"


Maze grimaced, pulling the phone away from her throbbing ear. Kass sat up and the blanket fell from the top of her head, exposing them both to the elements. A shiver shot through them both as the cool, crisp morning air swept in. Kass was squinting, disoriented, and had a serious patch of bedhead flattening her blonde hair up on the left side of her face, the rest barely contained in her bun.

As Kass nestled her arms under the blanket, tugging it up to her shoulders, Maze reassured Declan that they were alive and well in the baseball field.

"Is that where you two fucked? Are you decent?" he asked.

Maze's cheeks turned red in an instant. "We didn't—We're fine, we were just stargazing and fell asleep."

"Aw, that's romantic."

"So I've been told," she droned, rolling her eyes. They landed on the back of Kass' head, where her hair was sticking up. Maze curled her free hand into a fist to keep from reaching out and flattening Kass' hair back down. "We'll head back to the campsite in a bit. Our shoes are kinda wet now." She lifted up a sneaker from the grass and found it coated in morning dew.

"Fine. I'll get coffee started and then we can talk about heading back," he said, and she agreed on it.

She hung up and let her phone hang between her knees as she sat up. She sighed as the morning creaked through her weary joints. She cracked her neck, to which Kass said, "Gross."

Maze laughed. "Yeah, get used to it," she said.

Kass glanced back at her. Her gaze lingered, and Maze watched it drift down and away with a light smile. "Whatever," Kass said.

"Declan's waiting for us. He thought a bear got to us or something," Maze said.


Neither of them moved.

Dawn had already broke, which left the field dusted in a light fog from the nearby lake and a warm hue in the sky. Maze breathed it in, hands clasped around her legs as the spring birds mingled and woke up far away from where their sleeping bag was. Kass sniffed.

"I could do this every morning," Maze whispered, as if talking regularly would scare away the birds.

"Deer," Kass said, pointing off to the side. Maze followed the gesture to where a doe walked along the edge of the trees, so far away that Maze would have mistaken her for a tree trunk. Her ears flicked.

"Oh, shit, that's cool," Maze whispered.

Kass turned to look at her, and Maze gave up resisting. She reached a hand out to smooth back Kass' bedhead. Her fingers caught underneath Kass' hair tie and slipped it out. She smiled when Kass' eyes closed the way a cat's did. When they eased open, Maze grinned.

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