What's With This Sassy... Lost Child?

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A/n: HEY, GUESS WHAT?! I'M REVIVING THIS SERIES TOO! Yeah, this will be the last of the old revivals. Like the other, it will get a random release schedule. This series was polished, so the old chapters won't need too much of an update. Now, let us begin. 

The day starts like normal. Y/N wakes up and gets dressed for school.

Y/N: What should I wear today? Maybe a pair of gloves as well today? 

Our protagonist, what does he look like? I'm glad you asked. Our poor cinnamon roll isn't the luckiest. He has small unreflecting gray eyes that have no light and dark black hair. Constantly he's been called out for his dead-looking eyes and lack of a caring facial expression. He's often seen with a good luck talisman on the front of his head. It was given to him by his uncle to have better fortune. He usually wears a somewhat oversized crème sweater, black sweatpants, and a light pink hoodie tied to his waist with black shoes. He usually puts on his hoodie when cold. While he usually brushes off the cold, he doesn't like being cold.

Y/N: No. Why far from the norm? It's not like anyone would notice any changes anyway. It'd be a wasted effort for no reason.

Today he doesn't change up his outfit and sticks to what he usually wears. After having breakfast with his mom, he heads to school. It's there he is joined by Naoto.

Naoto: "Nothing new today?"

Y/N: *He shakes his head* "Nope."

Naoto: "Did you try something different at least?"

Y/N: "I did."

Naoto: "Well then, good job in putting in some level of effort. Not that anyone can really complain since you wash your clothes daily."

Y/N: "Cleanliness is key." *He starts reading his book* Not that anyone would notice.

Naoto: "Does your talisman say anything different today?"

Y/N: "Hm? I don't think so."

Naoto: *He nods* "I see." I'll change the subject. "Do you want to read what I wrote?"

Y/N: "Oh? Sure." *He puts his book back into his sleeves*

Naoto: "Today's epic is about a knight and his princess." 

He presents his work in front of Y/N.

Y/N: "I see." *He grabs it* That was quick. At least compared to his last one.

It takes him a good few minutes before he comes to a complete conclusion.

Y/N: "Somethings telling me you had something in mind when making this chapter. At least, more than usual. Do you want to tell me about it? Also, you used the wrong pronunciation here."

Naoto: "Again? Geez. I can't seem to get it right. Also, you could say it's a self-insert. But most stories are to a certain degree."

Y/N: "You're not wrong. But that's not exactly a good thing." 

He pulls out his book once more.

Naoto: "I'll work on this one more often."

Y/N: "More than a week? That's rare."

Naoto: "Oi! It's rare for me to get into a good series, you know?"

Y/N: "I know. I don't really care for other reads."

Naoto: "How long have you been reading that?"

Y/N: "A couple of years. It's a big book. It seems almost like it never ends."

They continue to talk about books on their way to school. In the background, a tallish guy talks with a few of his friends and some random girls. He stops when he sees our little group and dismissed the others.

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