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Antonio pov: after 6 long hours we finally made it back to Georgia. We dropped April and Sabrina off first, Damien and lastly I drove to my sisters house.

Antonio: I'm sorry your birthday didn't go as planned lil bit

Myllion: no need to be sorry, I'm so thankful for you being there (kisses his cheek) I love you bubba

Antonio: smiles) I love you too, gone and get some rest

Myllion: you sure you don't wanna sleep here and return the rental tomorrow?

Antonio: nah I'm good mama meeting me at the place to pick me up

Justice: be safe big bro, love you. 

Antonio: love you more

Myllion pov: me and Major grabbed our bags and went inside my house. The trip didn't go as planned but I had a great time with him and my siblings.

Myllion: you staying here tonight ?

Major: you want me to ?(licks his lips )

Myllion:( smirks) yes I do

Major: alright , I'll stay

Major pov : we went upstairs and got settled in. That trip did not turn out how we expected it and that's unfortunate but hopefully soon this semester end I can take her on a better trip.

A few hours later:

Major:massaging her feet ) your leg been feeling okay ?

Myllion: yesss finally it feels so much better

Major:you still gotta go to therapy for you done ?

Myllion: I got 2 more sessions and if she sees I'm strong enough I can be done

Major: that's good

(Majors phone rings)

Major: answers) wassup big bro

M/b: you gotta come home, mom is sick

Major: again ?(sighs) how is it looking ?

M/b: not good , she in the hospital

Major: shit (takes a deep breath) okay I'll try to get there tomorrow

M/b: alright see you

(They hang up)

Myllion:everything okay ?

Major: my mom is really sick and I gotta go back home to Ohio

Myllion:omg baby I'm so sorry

Major: thanks (gets up ) I gotta go I'll see you whenever I get back ( kisses her )

Myllion: okay baby, be careful and I pray every thing gets better

Major pov: my whole mood changed. My mom and I were super close. This ain't the first time she got really sick and they didn't think she would get better. Once I left myllion house I went back to my apartment and got some clothes and stuff and loaded up my truck. I pray my mom is okay cause I can't lose her.

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