J U J U S A N P O # 3

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     "Oi! Kohakuchan! *Kochi, kochi!"                                    Come here, come here

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     "Oi! Kohakuchan! *Kochi, kochi!"
Come here, come here

     Haku had been walking across the main open courtyard of the school only to turn around and see Gojo Sensei with his arm around a young boy. It didn't seem possible, but the young boy's hair was spikier than Gojo's. Hesitant at first, Haku strolled over to meet the two.

     "Kohakuchan! This is Fushiguro, Megumi," Gojo Sensei introduced as he gave the kid a light pat on the back. "He's a potential Grade 2 sorcerer and will be enrolling in Jujutsu High next year. As fellow shikigami users, I wanted to acquaint the two of you now for a bit of light training. Megumi could benefit from a friendly battle with a current student."

     Haku's head lowered slightly in greeting, but Fushiguro didn't take kindly to it. Immediately, his stance stiffened as his eyes narrowed to scrutinize the older student, "Is that your shikigami? The stupid paper doll on your shoulder?"

       Fushiguro tilted his chin to gesture to the floating paper doll that hovered slightly above Haku's shoulder, and they nodded slowly in confirmation. Fushiguro burst into a wild laugh as he pointed to the doll, "How pathetic! Can that thing even fight?! I bet I could tear it to shreds with my bare hands!"

     Gojo placed a hand on Fushiguro's shoulder, a gentle gesture to get him to calm down, "Now, now I wouldn't tease Kohakuchan if I were you Megumi. Kohakuchan is one of my strongest students in the first year class."

     "Come on! It's a paper doll! Elementary schoolers make those for fun. Please, if that's your strongest student, just promote me to Grade 2 already. I can take that doll," Fushiguro scoffed, voice full of confidence as he got into a position to fight.

     Gojo smirked as he backed away, letting the kid do as he pleased. Haku also watched as the eager eyes of Fushiguro were practically begging for a fight. Although Haku would've rather not, it didn't seem like there would be a different outcome. To make things even easier for Fushiguro, Haku was unarmed and was just taking a casual stroll. Haku glanced over to Gojo Sensei and gave a small nod signaling that they were ready too.

"Alright you two! Hold nothing back," Gojo said as he continued to smile, ready to fully enjoy whatever he was about to witness.


Before Fushiguro could even bring his hands together to summon his Demon Dogs to rip the shikigami paper doll on Haku's shoulder to shreds, he was cut off unexpectedly. Just as the fight commenced, Haku had lifted their arm up to their chin— flexing the palm of their hand. Bringing their thumb and index finger together, Haku gently blew across their palm and with their breath floated fragments of light carried along with the breeze as it made its way to Fushiguro.

As gentle as flower petals would move along the currents of the wind, the fragmented petals of light went straight to Fushiguro's eyes. Upon impact his eyes began to sting and burn as if the light were shards of glass that had lodged itself in his retinas. He howled in pain, dropping to his knees as the petals of light blinded his field of vision. It burned with a vengeance like a fire devouring all in it's way as it blazed onwards. The burning sensation only continued to flow throughout Fushiguro as he twisted on the ground in agony, screaming as tears welled up in his eyes.

As excruciating as it was to experience, the pain only lasted for all of five seconds before slowly dissipating. Slowly, Fushiguro's sight began to return but it was now clouded by his tears as they spilled onto his cheeks and he was left panting heavily, covered in beads of sweat that mixed with his tears as he shakily tried to stand up.

Haku watched the scene with no change in facial expression as Fushiguro gave a nasty glare, still trying to get himself under control after feeling like his eyes had been forcibly held over an open flame by the sharpest knife. From the shade of the trees, a distance away, Gojo was laughing— thoroughly entertained by just how short lived that fight actually was.

Since it was indeed over, Gojo walked over to join Fushiguro, eyes red and extremely pissed off now. Gojo retained his smile as he placed his arm around the kid once again.

      "I told you. Kohakuchan is incredibly strong. Maybe a bit too strong on that last attack, you could've gone easier," he said, with a tilt of his head that showed the sliver of remorse he had for Fushiguro.

Haku shook their head and flying out from behind came a paper doll that hovered just in front of Gojo Sensei's face. On it a message was scrolled:

I had no intention to fight him. It should have been nothing to a Grade 2 sorcerer.

"Ah— I see you may have misunderstood me earlier," Gojo Sensei nodded upon reading the message from Haku.

Into thin air, the paper doll crumbled away to dust as it the trail floated in the slight breeze.

"Megumi isn't a Grade 2 sorcerer yet; he's in the promotional phase. So as of right now, he's a bit below an average Grade 2 sorcerer."

"Hey!" Fushiguro exclaimed.

Haku looked Fushiguro in the eyes, head slightly lowered. Like earlier, another paper doll came floating to settle in front of the boy. On it, another message had been written:


"That doesn't even sound sincere!" Fushiguro cried out, watching as the paper doll disintegrated before his eyes. Absolutely pleased with himself, Gojo Sensei laughed at the sharp remark from Fushiguro.

"And now you see why I brought you here. This school has sorcerers beyond your wildest imagination. Do you still think there's nothing to learn here?" Gojo provoked with his teasing tone.

Fushiguro was quick to turn on his heels as he was now looking at the teacher, very aggressively, "You tricked me! That wasn't a shikigami attack!"

"I never said it would be," Gojo Sensei defended. "All I said was you both are fellow shikigami users. What do you think these paper dolls are?" he pointed to the paper doll that hovered on Haku's shoulder constantly, "Decorations?"

"I want a rematch! I'll win for sure next time!" Fushiguro demanded from his soon to be senpai within the next few months.

However, Haku had other plans in that moment having already turned around and was walking away. Though to make sure Fushiguro knew that they had heard the last comment, Haku held up their arm to give a slight wave— as if to say, 'See you then'.

☁︎ ┆ A U T H O R' S N O T E
we love wild, problem child middle school fushiguro.

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