Eye see

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3rd person POV:

Yn: Zzzzzz...

In his bed, the Right Hand of God rested.

The moon was high and the night was young yet quiet but for some strange reason, something made the young man rustle.

Was it his right arm that could potentially go off as a reaction to a dream?

No, that taught never occurred to him.

It was the feeling of something foreign. For example, a stranger with an eye patch sitting right next to him.

(Left Eye of G.O.D: Laura Winfree)

D: Laura Winfree)

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Yn: Ugh...

She blankly stared off into the distance as she tucked Yn into bed.

Yn: Hmmm... Wait.

Opening his eyes in realization, he slowly turned to see Laura, a woman in her forties, sitting in the dark, staring off at nothing.



Yn: Am... Am I being molested?

Laura: No.

Yn:...(glares) Likely story... Who the hell are you-

Rei enters his room and turns on the light.

Yn: Ugh! Why!?

Rei: There you are. I told you to stay still.

Laura: You told me to take a seat.

Yn: In my room?

Laura: I enjoy watching dreams.

Yn: What the fu-

Rei: Don't worry, she does this to me all the time.

Yn: She watches you sleep- okay, wait, let's take a step back.

Yn: Why are you in my house, in the middle of the night?!

Rei: To keep a long story short, we were trying to locate the Left Hand Of God, but instead...

Rei: The Right Eye found us.

Yn: The right eye? What about the left.

Laura:(smiles)... Hello.

Yn: Ah...

Rei: We-

Yn: Save it. Let me sleep and you can do whatever you want...

Rei: Thank you.

Yn: Whatever, just turn off the damn lights.


She leaves the room as Laura tucks Yn in before continuing to sit beside him.

Yn:(mind) This is weird but oddly nice...

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