CHAPTER 70. Alternate Characters

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   "Hi Raven, lovely to meet you," Clair offered me her hand and I stared at it suspiciously for a long moment. Cyprus looked exasperated with my behavior, but I don't remember him getting kidnapped by a necromancer, so who is he to judge my fear?

I took her hand and shook it shortly before retreating behind Fin, looking at her sideways. "You don't use dark magic do you?" I felt more at ease however, seeing her light and gentle aura.

Clair smiled and shook her head. "No dark magic from me love, I'm just going to need to get some of my tools from my car, and then I can start."

I nodded and looked at Aaron, hoping for some praise, and I wasn't disappointed. "Good job, Koshka," I perked up and nodded.

  "How much have you been using your magic?" Cyprus asked curiously, glancing at me.

I paused and inched back into the open, placing my arms behind my back. "Hmm, well, I used it quite a bit when I was captured by Leo. Good times," I said and nodded.

Cyprus raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Okay, well I'm going to go see it Clair needs anything, then I'm out of here, Shade wants to go shopping." Cyprus didn't look overly excited with the idea. "So I'll see you all later, hurt my little sister and die."

"Love you too," Cross drawled and looked away from my brother dismissively.

"Thank you, Cyprus," Aaron said and nodded at my brother, who looked thoughtful, glancing at me.

"He might be a keeper," Cyprus sighed and grabbed his phone, winking at me before going to the kitchen, the front door slamming shut behind him.

"Damn Cyprus and his favoritism," Lion muttered and leaned against the wall. Fallon touched my arm curiously.

"Raven, how does your magic work?" He asked and suddenly everyone looked at me, their curiosity peeked as well. Clair walked back in and paused, noticing that they were waiting on my reply.

"Oh," I blinked and shrugged. "It doesn't really 'work' I just do whatever you I want." I said flipently.

Clair looked greatly alarmed. "What? Can you demonstrate once?"

I nodded and paused. "Oh, hey, I bet I could have handled the ghost thing myself, silly me,"

Clair frowned. "What do you mean? Please tell me you aren't doing what I think you're doing,"

"What is she doing?" River asked warily.

"I'll show you, it's kind of simply really," I closed my eyes and then opened them again.

"What did you do?" Faith asked and looked around in confusion, having expected something louder. I shrugged.

"I just sorta wished the ghosts away, boom, done," I said and paused, seeing Clair pale. "What's wrong?"

Clair shook her head. "Raven, why did we have to get rid of the ghosts?"

I tilted my head to the side. "So I wouldn't die, and because they were breaking the rules of the world."

Clair nodded and pressed her hands together, looking around the room, growing paler. I paused, feeling a buzz in the air. "Raven, do you have any idea of why or how you could make them disappear?"

I blinked. "No, I just make it happen, what's wrong with that?"

Nicholas placed a hand over his eyes, realizing what Clair was trying to make me understand. "You're breaking the rules too,"

My lips parted. "Well I don't exactly know the rules, so how is that fair?"

Clair shook her head. "Your bending how the world works, to make your wish a reality, that shouldn't even be possible, and- oh fuck," Clair stopped and froze.

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