Adam Banks ~ Falling for Me

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The whole team was buzzing with excitement, we were going to the goodwill games. It was such an amazing opportunity and to top it off we were getting five new team members, I can't wait to see what they're like. We're currently in the dressing rooms getting ready to head out onto the ice and meet the new guys.

"Tell me about my new kids." I hear coach saying to Tibbles as we walk out onto the ice and see four guys and a girl standing there. Finally another girl to join me and Connie, I hope she's nice.

"That's Luis Mendoza, He's from our Miami club. A real speedster. Incredible slater." Tibbles explains as a cute guy in a blue Jersey starts to skate around the rink. "I clocked him at 1.9 seconds, blue line to blue line." Impressive. We all watch him zoom around the rink.

"Good looking skater." Connie says and I nod agreeing with her. "Very good looking, what do you think Guy? Adam?" Averman pipes up. "Shut up Averman." Guy and Adam both reply while Guy elbows him onto the floor.

I blush, I had a little crush on Adam. We were good friends but everyone teases us thinking it was more. I was too afraid to tell Adam about my crush in case he didn't feel the same.

"He has one minor problem.." Tibbles says interrupting me from my thoughts. The guy, Luis, smashes into the boards. "He has a little trouble stopping." Goldberg chuckles "I'd say so." The rest of the new members help him up and ask him was okay. "Yeah, I'm alright. I almost had it that time."

"Yee-haw! How is everyone? Ya'll ready to play some puck?" A boy in an orange jersey greeted us. "Hey look. It's hopalong Gretzky." Jesse jokes and the guys laugh. I just roll my eyes, I don't want to get on the wrong foot of my new teammates. These are the people we have to work together with if we want to win the goodwill games.

"That's Dwayne Roberts from Austin. He's the best puck handler I've ever seen." Tibbles tells coach. "You mean for his age?" He shakes his head. "No I don't." I watch in awe as he moves the puck around with ease, doing tricks.

"Hey, this is easier than ropin' hogs! Yeehaw!" Dwayne says "He does have a tendency to showboat." Coach looked impressed. "Wow."

The girl from the new group walked over to the goal "There's Julie 'The Cat' Gaffney. She won the state championship for Maine 3 years in a row."

"Well we have a goalie. Goldberg." Coach gestured to Goldie in the goal. "All right! Bring 'em on, man! I'm ready for this! C'mon show me what you got! I'm the man! I'm the man!" Goldberg shouts before falling into a split position. "Oohh." he groans. "Uh help."

Tibbles just laughs. "Watch this." We all took turns trying to score on her but she saved them all, she was amazing at it. "Well we.. could use a back-up." Coach nods.

"Isn't that the kid from the Olympics? The figure slater?" Coach asks Tibbles. "Yup. Ken Wu. What can I say? I convinced him that hockey had more of a future. We put a stick in his hand and nobody's been able to touch him." He says proudly.

Everyone seems like such an asset to the team it's gonna be amazing.

"Showtime!!" I look over to see the last guy skating out "That guys a teenager?" Coach looks slightly shocked. "Don't you know that everything's on fire." he sings as he pushes Adam and Charlie. "

Uh yeah, hormones." I hear tibbles tell coach. "He's a goon!" I zone out on their conversation and watch him push my team members onto the ice. He passes me and winks making me blush. I look over to see Adam looking at me. He looked mad, probably cause he got knocked over.

The guy puts his hands around Dwayne's shoulders "C'mon Tex sing it with me." He looks terrified, he shakes his head no and the guy just shrugs and skates off again.

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