Chapter 18

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Playlist for the book on Apple Music :

Playlist for the book on Spotify :

Both playlists can be found under the title- The only one for them.


Now back to the story.

Korean in regular font

English in BOLD


'Alright Ari, you will not kill a bitch today.......... But you will be prepared to check a hoe at any given moment.'

As Come On, Let's Go by Tyler the Creator & Nigo played, Ari had been giving herself a pep talk, if that's what it can be called, all morning while getting ready. Last night, the guys explained further how So-Jung would make advances at all of them blatantly. So much so that some Army would call her out for it in the comments or on their V Live's.

They didn't hide anything from Ari and expressed their constant discomfort around the interviewer. The company, mainly Sejin, had spoke to her on their behalf but it only seemed to fuel her to do it more often. Now that they have personal Instagram's, she's been in all of their DM's but they haven't responded.

She came to the conclusion that the woman is a menace and she'll be keeping a close eye on her. So as Ari got dressed, she kept in mind that she should be comfortable. After all, she isn't the one being interviewed so she could dress lax yet stylish.

'And if that bitch gets outta pocket, this outfit gives free range of motion.'

Ari smirked deviously at her own thoughts.

"What are you over there plotting cutie?" Taehyung leaned in the doorway.

"Oh nothing baby, just happy to be awake is all."

He squinted his eyes at her, knowing it was more to her interesting mood this morning, but he let it be.

"You look good Jagi. I love how you look good in anything.......... And nothing." He grinned widely as she smacked her teeth fighting off a grin of her own.

"Taeeeeeeee!" She whines as he wrapped her in a hug.

"Okay okay I won't get you worked up. Are you almost ready?"

"Yup! Can you just pass me that container on the bed so I can put it in my purse?"

Tae nodded and picked up the container, reading it before handing it to her.

"Petroleum jelly? What do you need Vaseline for? You always moisturize with your body butter." He asked intently.

"Umm, it just helps so that no scratches, marks, and bruises appear and if they do this minimizes the damage."

She explains as they walk down the stairs to meet everyone in the living room.

"That makes sense I guess, but why do you need it now?"

"I mean, if someone is feeling a little froggy today, I have no problem jumping." She shrugged her shoulders and Tae's eyebrows furrowed.

"Why so confused Tae Tae? And who is feeling froggy Princess?" Jungkook asked.

"Jagi put Vaseline in her purse and said it's incase someone is feeling froggy. Who wants to feel like a frog?"

This caused Yoongi to laugh instantly. When they were drinking for Ari's graduation, he remembered her brother Jae said that a girl was picking on him once, knowing he wouldn't get violent with a woman. After he told Ari, she wore her sweatpants and a t-shirt to school. She was covered in Vaseline and didn't even bring her books because she was planning on getting suspended. She saw the girl and instantly told her 'We bout to fight so you better swing'.

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