57. Happy Birthday Pt. 2*

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You mutter something about it being time to go back and get inside the car, trying to remember everything in better detail.

Back in the library room, you had tried really hard to convince yourself to leave. You were more drunk than you could handle. Still, he looked so heart-wrenchingly vulnerable as he lay there, you just couldn't leave him.

And then what? He'd mentioned the infinity pool on the terrace. You were so ready to go up and up both of you went.

You bite your lip in the present moment, realizing what was going to happen. DUMB, Y/N.

You remember the dimly lit infinity pool, and the glittering view of Seoul that more than made up for the lack of stars in the sky. What were you talking about? You can't remember at all.

But Yoongi laughed at something you said.

"You're staring again," he remarked, grinning lightly. He had been grinning a lot last night, and it made him look awfully cute.

"W-what, no," you replied. Your eyes refused to leave him.

"You are,"

Change topic, you commanded your slow brain.

"Do you get tickled easily?" you asked brightly.

"No," he said with a very, very dangerous stare.

"Liar," you giggled and moved towards him. He backed away so fast that you couldn't even warn him about how close he was to the pool - SPLASH.

You dropped down to your knees, laughing.

"HEY! Do you even know how to swim?" you giggled, waiting for his head to bob up. He came up for about a second, muttered something and receded underwater again.


Why wasn't he coming up?


You could see his shape, motionless, just under the surface.

"Hey? Suga? Are you alive?"

Oh no. Oh no, no.

You lowered yourself into the pool.


"Oh god...I will not die...I will not die...I will not -" you coughed as you ducked too much and swallowed the chlorinated water.

The pool wasn't deep at all, but all that alcohol was making your balance woozy. After some awkward tumbling and splashing, your fingers collided with something solid. Finally, he raised his head out of the water and gave you a blank look.

"Are you alive?" you asked.

"Obviously. I told you I can swim..."

"Why didn't you say something?" you protested, oblivious to his response, clutching his shoulders to keep your balance.

"What are you doing?" he murmured when you grip him tighter.

"I can't swim!"

He scrunched his nose. "Why did you get in then?"

"Because you weren't saying anything!"

Oh, the way he is looking at you. Oh, the way he is looking -

You shivered. The water was warm but the air was chilled. You shook your head, trying to clear it but it didn't work. Suga put an arm around your waist, underwater, steadying you a bit. You looked up at the sky, vaguely registering something like a human nose brushing against your cheek. He breathed you in, too unsure and unsteady to do anything more. You didn't realize how he felt your softness and warmth against him, clinging on to his torso through the water.

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