Chapter 3

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The Shelby household continued to run as though I wasn't there at all. Bookies wrote notes, men drank whiskey, and I stayed cuffed to the table amongst it all. Two hours passed since the family meeting, and my throat was so dry it felt like razor blades. But I refused to ask for water, refused to ask these people for anything.

When water did come, it was with a plate of sausage and gravy — toad in the hole. Polly slammed it onto the table before me, as she and the others took their seats with dinner of their own. Once again, as though I were either part of the furniture, or not here at all.

I couldn't contain myself. "How am I supposed to eat with no hands?" I asked.
"You'll have to use your mouth," Arthur suggested. "Like a dog."
The others chuckled at that, but my cheeks flared red. "I know how to shoot a gun, you know," I said coldly. "Probably better than any of you. And once I'm out of here, I'll have my pick of any gun I like."
Arthur smirked. "Alright, sweetheart. I'll take your word for it."

Tommy rose wordlessly from his seat, buttoning his suit jacket. I tried to ignore him, expecting him to simply leave the room or otherwise carry out business, but he strode across to where I sat. His scent washed over me in a wave of woodsmoke and musk as he leaned forward. His face was only inches from my own, his lips slightly parted. Blue eyes flickered to meet mine as he held my left hand in his own, releasing the handcuff with a small clink.

I knew now why they called it breathtaking. For the moments where he was so close, my chest hitched, as though his very presence deprived me of any need for oxygen. But as he pulled away I returned to my senses. Tommy Shelby was attractive. He was mesmerising, and intoxicating. But he was my sworn fucking enemy, and he'd kidnapped me to get at my father. I was no more than a pawn in his games. I flared angry once more, grateful my head cleared with the rage as he straightened and pulled away.

"If she can outwit us with the one hand, we deserve it," he said, before returning to his seat and tucking into his dinner once more.
I lifted my hand to the glass of water, downing it back in one, my chest burning for more. But I ignored the urge and instead stabbed angrily at the food, using the prong of my fork as a knife to slice away a section of meat.
Arthur shrugged. "Right. Who's got the shift while the rest of us go down the Garrison?"
"Pol," Thomas answered.
"No way in hell," Polly answered flatly. "I'm off out tonight."
"John," Tommy decided.
John jerked upright, head turning in outrage. "I watched her all bloody morning!"
"You're the youngest."
"Finn's the youngest, why can't he do it?" John protested.
Tommy shrugged. "Because he's the youngest."
"For god's sake," Ada said, her first words in my presence. She rolled her eyes. "The Kimber girl's handcuffed to the table. What are you expecting her to do?"
"It's not her we're worried about," Arthur said. "It's men coming to get her."

Tommy frowned at my plate. "You've not touched your food."
I glared insolently, saying nothing.
"Is it not to your liking?" He asked, eyebrows raised, as he lit a cigarette.
"I've not got much of an appetite," I replied through clenched teeth.
"You need to eat. I'm not having you starve under my roof."
I narrowed my eyes. "So you'll chain me up and hold me ransom, but hunger's where you draw the line?"
He held my gaze. "I draw no lines when it comes to hunger."
Our eyes locked and held for a moment. I longed to take my blunt butter knife and glide it across his throat. Instead, I pushed my plate away from me, just a nudge. It got the message across. I could see in Tommy's gaze, he was weighing up force feeding me himself.

"Right," Arthur broke the silence, standing and rubbing his hands together. "Off to the pub. John boy, you're staying here. I'll take the shift once we've returned."
"No need," Tommy said. He stood and shrugged into his coat. "I'll watch her myself for the night."

Kimber's Daughter - Tommy Shelby x Reader Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now