Chapter 2 - It's Hades Who Runs The Show

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yeah, every chapter in cindy's au is gonna have a song quote from PJ the musical. cant stop me. 


Okay, this was a very long journey so she'll spare you the painstakingly long details and give a summary. Once she exited the vent, she ended up having to go through another eye room. Then afterward, she had to traverse over unstable ground and make her way through The Janitor's lair. Though The Janitor wasn't around so she was able to proceed through the lair untroubled.

Beta Six then passed by an overly-obvious child trap with meat in it, and later another cage room. Then she had to go through The Janitor's workshop, and after that, she had to go across some shoe-pool room with some shoe-monster entity thing following her from underneath. More threats, hassles, and rooms later, she finally made it to her destination. The Nome's Hideout.

Right now she was sitting out on the outskirts of The Nome's Hideout. Lingering around the vents. The Nome's Hideout had multiple entries, all of which were through the ventilation system, allowing only kids (and unwantedly, any other beings their size) to get into the hideout.

Beta Six, to be truthful, didn't really know how she should go about this. Should she just simply enter? Act like she's always been there? Or create a scene to get herself accepted. Well, the goal was to not pull too much attention towards herself so she figured she should go for the first idea. If anyone notices she's not supposed to be here, then she's sure she can come up with something.

A nervous feeling rising in her chest, she advanced into the vents. Her steps echoed down the otherwise silent twisting walls of the ventilation system as she approached her destination. This was her first world to fix, and she was praying she didn't mess it up. Beta Six knows she's technically a greater being than the gods in this universe, but whatever god is controlling this playing field if any- please just give her a simple time.

Beta Six slowed to a stop once she approached a vent grille. This was it, the entry to The Nomes' Hideout. It all starts here.

Beta Six pushed the cover aside. Just like in the other hideout, this vent grille came off rather easily since it was re-screwed on by kids to act as more of a door than an actual tight circulation cover.

Inside, the sight was akin to the view of a refugee camp; Countless tents and canopies made with torn and dirty fabrics were set up in neat and spacious rows, allowing travel through the hideout whilst not feeling restricted or too cramped. From her memory, Beta Six recalled there was also a dining pavilion where everyone ate further ahead along with a training ground.

Beta Six figured she should start by simply scoping out the area, trying to find Six and her friends and see what's wrong without looking too suspicious.

Beta Six looked over her disguise, double-checking if everything was okay with her coat. Feeling like her identity was secured, she walked forward. She figured she should first look around the pavilion, the pavilion ran on a dining schedule so if she happened to arrive during dining everyone should conveniently be there. Though Beta Six actually didn't know what time it is, so she was really just hoping it just happened to be time.

But if it's not time and she's either too early or too late, she'll just poke around the training area and hope to find someone. If neither of those works, she'll... She doesn't know- She'll just walk around until she finds someone?

Beta Six walked past kids huddled inside tents. Despite the tents not being that big on the outside, thanks to The Mist, it was much larger on the inside. And she must say, the kids here got their shelter pretty good. From the short glances inside, she noticed how the kids here had hand-crafted materials for tent furniture. Something The Depths' Hideout never had, or at least never of quality. While The Depth kids mainly slept on piles of cloth on the floor or stolen bean bags, these kids living here had entire properly crafted beds to sleep on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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