Chapter 8

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"Send out some knights into Wolvendom to hang up some wanted posters and to scout out the area." Albedo said, holding up a board in his hands, writing down some extra tips on which parts of the forest would be best to check.

"Woah woah, what's with all these demands?" Jean said, slowing him down to process the information better.

"Don't you remember that Liyue vampire hunter that they sent to go and observe that Witch?" Albedo told her, raising his eyebrow at her. "Have you forgotten?"

"Of course not-, I just expected this sort of thing to come from the mouth of a Knight." Jean said to him, rubbing her forehead as she stared tiredly down at the stacks of paper. "Sorry for the trouble of having you come to the main base. I'll prepare them for you quickly."

She assured him, waving her hand to him, signaling for him to leave. Albedo tried to stand tall, making a swift turn as he opened the door and exited out of the room. As he closed the door behind him, he bumped into a familiar figure.

"Ah-" he crashed to somebody taller then he was. He looked up at the face only to roll his eyes and try to escape out of the main doors.

"Wait." The figure grabbed his wrist, holding him hostage at the scene. "You're leaving already?" A slim bit of slyness coated the voice.

"I don't have time for your gimmicks, Kaeya." Albedo sighed, snatching back his hand back and turning around to Kaeya only to give him a stern glare. "Now, I must be on my way."

Kaeya watched as he walked away, his footsteps echoing down the halls.

"I heard that Barbatos was seen during a witch trial." Kaeya said, starting out a conversation abruptly, grabbing his attention, trying to keep Albedo from leaving so soon. Albedo stopped, frozen in place for a moment before turning back to face him.

"Am I hearing this right?" Albedo questioned him, suspicious if he was telling the truth or not.

"I'm surprised that you haven't heard the news already! It's what everyone in Mondstadt is talking about." Kaeya gave him a grin. "It happened about a few days ago. Apparently he saved another fellow witch from being burnt alive." He shrugged, playing it off cool.

"You have to be lying. Witches are nearly impossible to catch. The last witch burning in Mondstadt was almost 16 years ago." Albedo gave him side eye, not fully believing his words.

"She was quite easy to catch. Right in the open, trying to attempt to save a poor boy." He joked, though it was all true. "Perhaps Barbatos spared some pity onto her for her good deeds and decided to play on a show for us."

"Liar." Albedo said, his voice was cold and dull, yet it was displayed in a hissing fit. "Witches aren't kind. It's impossible for one to spare even a slight bit of kindness to someone other then themselves."

"Which witch got on your bad side?" Kaeya chuckled, teasing around with him while still taking the matter seriously.
"It's none of your business." Albedo gave him a cold look before grabbing the doorknob and turning it, ready to leave. "I'll just research the event from what the newspaper explains."

"The newspapers won't be able to capture the beauty and the chaos of it." Kaeya told him, provoking him to stay longer. "But I was there, right at the front of the stage. Why don't you ask me about the events that followed it?"

Albedo, once again captured by curiosity, turned around, crossing his arms and cautiously approaching him.
"Well? Anything to say about it?" He questioned him, his patience was already worn thin.

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