22. The Ancient Book

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I laid on his bed, in my ripped clothes from the desire of his beast.

Just by my side, Caspian laid down too. His back pressed on the bed as I watched him. He watched me too, his face laced in guilt.

Or was it?

Didn’t even know if I should cry.


He reached out for me saying.

“Please, don’t touch me.”

I went out of his reach immediately. Felt betrayed that he will put his seed in me, without asking me.

“It was my beast. You very much know his desire for an heir. I can’t stop him.”

“I’m fully aware of that, milord.”

I immediately let out, looking the other way.

“Besides, what say do I have in this? I’m just a mere pawn whose duty is to serve you and bear your pup.”

“Do not say that. You are my mate, my chosen.”

Caspian retorted.

“Am I?”

He used those words so well and it made me want to believe it all.

But, how could I? After what had happened, how could I?

“You definitely know I’m not mistaken. You feel the connection, don’t you? The pull and urge…as my mate, right?”

I swallowed at his words, remembering the desperate longing to be with him. Was this what it was all about?

“I think I should leave now, milord.”

With a bow, I said.

“I refuse to take any other woman to bear my pup other than you, Ava.”

He pulled my arms saying. I looked him into the eyes this time.

“Then you chose the wrong woman.”

I stood up, wearing the manageable pieces of clothing.

I grunted when I saw most of it were in shreds. The beast threw his jacket to me, which I wore.

“I would send as much clothes as possible, Lady Ava. Till we figure this out.”

“Would send various guards to your side to protect you. With your wolf, try not to die.” he stated.

I sighed at his words, before walking out. My breath heaved as I walked, with my hands on my stomach.

I couldn’t believe he would do that to me.

However, right now… could I be possibly breeding a child?

My wolf disturbed me for the rest of the moment. She wanted to know me and know about everything around, including our situation.

Luckily, I silenced her telling her to let me be. She answered surprisingly which was quite strange. I suspected it was because we were just with her mate.

Definitely quenched her fire for now.

“Ava, there you are!”

Emily said, running to me. I cringed, knowing I hadn’t changed from the beast’s coat. Hoped she didn’t notice.


“Did you hear the news? What’s wrong with your choice of outfit today?”

“Just a bit of cold, quite disturbing.” I remarked.

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