Show her to your S&M dungeon

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Momonga thought about the day's events as he stroked Rias's hair while the girl shivered in her sleep. '...Apparently, the Elder Lich did manage to gain experience and has probably leveled up because it's somehow gained extra spell slots, which it likely used to learn YGGDRASIL spells outside its normal range of abilities... [Summon Deepkin] and quite few of the spells it apparently had cast aren't part of Elder Lich's list of abilities...'

He paused his thoughts to wave his fingers through Rias's hair and rub her scalp as she mumbled something.

The red-headed and also red-faced girl had at first wanted to do the 'deed' when she had woken up as Momonga had climbed into their shared bed, but Momonga had convinced her that cuddling would do as he felt that it'd be quite rude to do that when Yubelluna, Akeno and Xuelan were sleeping off their fatigue in the same bed at the same time.

So he had merely donned a dark red fuzzy and soft dressing gown, ignoring the fact the undead part of Momonga's psyche felt incredibly creeped out by the sensation while the part that was Suzuki Satorou appreciated the softness, and he had climbed into the bed with the four girls who were in various states of clothing and sleeping.

Momonga returned to his considerations as naked Rias seemed to fall asleep again while equally clothed Akeno clung to her back like a tick.

The thought of Elder Lich gaining experience and 'leveling up' caused Momonga quite a bit of paranoia as he realized that technically his summons would be more or less mini-players who could learn and evolve, even if they were dependent on him to a degree and were also puppeted by him, again to a degree. 'The direct control range limitation is really hampering my plans... There's a possibility that they'll turn against me if I order them to do something too far out of their assumption of what I am to them...'

Momonga pat Yubelluna's head as she twitched in her sleep and then moved to stroke Xuelan's hair as she let a pained whine in her sleep.

He sighed. '...I should probably start to get more serious with arming my Peerage and getting them prepared for combat. While it's quite surprising they managed to all stay alive during that scrap, even with the Death Knights watching over them and making sure they didn't actually die, they need to be much stronger if they are going to be of any use to me. Not to mention...'

Momonga felt a bit hesitant to consider his Peerage 'comrades', but at least he figured he could at least call the ones in his bed currently as a bit more than that. 'What are they to me? 'Physical friends' perhaps? 'Lovers' sound a bit... intimate, but I guess that'd be also one way to describe it... Although, with Rias getting so scared from seeing the 'real me', I'm not sure how deep it goes... Then again, as far as she knows 'the real me' is an enemy so I can't really blame her...'

Yubelluna let a groan and snuggled closer to Momonga's host body's chest, seemingly wracked with the same nightmares as the rest of the girls, and it seemed that the heat radiating from the now-alive, possibly-Phoenix body Momonga was equipping seemed to help their fears. 'I wonder if Phoenixes have a passive aura-like ability that helps against mental ailments? That'd help my team synergies... I don't actually have many support-related spells that affect living beings due to my 'Overlord' class, most of my support spells help only my undead summons... But, thanks to the excessive amount of [Dark Wisdom] I've used, I at least know a bunch of support-spells that target the Living...'

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