Chapter 26. Declare War

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Nobody's POV

"Good, Impius, good. Passwords made up with childish creatures? I am rather disappointed with the Boy Who Lived. Crumple-Horned-Snornacks... tsk. I expected better." Lord Vadàdécès was sitting in a corner of the Malfoy Manor drawing room, Ginny kneeling before him.

"Yes, my Lord. I thought he would use something more noble... he obviously didn't have the brains to do it." Ginny replied.

"Do you underestimate Potter, Impius?" Vadàdécès's voice suddenly turned cold.

"N-no, my Lord, but I am sure that his powers still stand below you." Ginny whispered, scared.

"Yes. Now we have had the useful information, we declare war."

Hogwarts, Headmistresses Office, Mcgoncgall's POV

I sat at my desk, reading the latest copy of Transfiguration Today, when I heard a knock on the door.

"Enter." I said, putting the magazine down.

It was Kingsley. Strangely, his robes were torn, and he had a scratch on his face.

"M-Minerva-" He panted. "I-I've got to tell you something..."

"Sit down." I said sharply and I conjured a chair for him.

"The Dark has declared war." He said.

I laughed, though a horrible feeling was starting to creep up my throat.

"Not a thing to joke about, Minister. Surely you'll know that-"

"MINERVA! THEY ARE STORMING THE MINISTRY! THIS IS REAL! THEY DECLARED WAR AND NOW THEY ARE COMING TOWARDS THE CASTLE! PREPARE!" Kingsley yelled. Tears of fear welled up, and he sent his Patronus out immediately, and seeing it roused me.

"Come." I said, and abandoning all presence, I directed a message to all the portraits, who all rushed to corners of the school, spreading the message.

We rushed down the corridors, and I stopped at the Great Hall.

"The Dark Wizards have declared war!" I bellowed.

The Hall fell gravely silent.

And suddenly, all the students stood up in a wave, while the youngest started to group up, preparing to evacuate. I could see Harry and his friends having the same abject terror on their faces as they ushered the youngest students out, wands drawn.

"PROTEGO MAXIMA!" A few of the sixth and seventh years had already started to cast spells, and someone uttered a "Accio Felix Felicis" and ten bottles zoomed out (Horace looked like he was about to break down), and students began giving it to the younger ones.

Tears trickled down my cheeks as I was overwhelmed with pride for the Hogwartians, but I quickly pulled myself together and Professor Sprout started to gather some Hufflepuffs and rush into the greenhouses, creating a army of the magical plants. Hagrid thundered into the Forest, alerting the spiders and the centaurs, as well as Grawp and his friends.

"Come on Minerva." Similarly, Kingsley was also filled with pride as he started sending orders to the Ministry.

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