Being Sick

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I woke up with a groan and rolled over only to roll off of the couch with a, Thud! I groaned and saw my mom was awake looking at me with worried eyes. I then got up and sneezed. Then a killer headache attacked my head and I sat down next to my mom, resting my head on her shoulder. "Mommy I want some soup and Tylenol, please. I don't feel good."
"Aww sweetie come here," she felt my forehead, "oh sweetie your burning up. Ok I'm gonna get some soup and Tylenol, hey Lana stay here and watch her while I get the stuff."
"Ok Jen."
"Ugh Lana I don't like this please help me."
"Sorry babe I can't. I don't have magic." I whined until my mom came back, after I ate and took the Tylenol. I felt a little better but I was still sick. My mom the told me she had to go to the store so I get to complain to Lana.
~Time Lapse~
Ugh finally my cold is going away. Yay! Now I can hang with Alexis and Jared. And I can actually kiss Lana. While I had my cold me, Lana and my mom started to plan mine and Lana's wedding. It's going to be in three years. Too far away. I actually complained and cried about it. Lana told me that it would be good in three years cause I would be 20 years old. I reluctantly agreed, but I then asked her about having kids now she's ignoring me.
Why must I ruin everything in my life. Well I went on a run alone and I saw Jack. I turned and ran only to have him run after me. I called Lana but she didn't answer so I called the cops. I ran into a café and he followed then the cops came. I ran out of the door as Jack started to shoot. I got shot in my leg but I ran even though I was in so much pain and I bled so much. Crap. I arrived home to see Lana about to walk out but I smiled weakly before passing out from blood loss.
A few days later I woke up in a hospital and saw Lana sleeping with a tear stained face. I woke her up and she apologized about ignoring me but I forgave her. She kissed me and I was released the next day.
We cuddled on the couch and I say in Lana's lap. We were watching Miami Medical. I looked at Lana and said "Hey Lana I don't know who's hotter you or Dr. Zambrano."
"Myra we're the same person."
"I meant about...ugh never mind. You both hot." She rolled her eyes and a shooting pain went up my leg causing me to hiss in pain. So Lana gave me pain killers. I smiled and fell asleep in my fiancées arms.

Wait, Jennifer Morrison is My Mom?!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz