Publishing Announcement

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This announcement will be posted on Fairytale, Et Lilium, and Wanderer 2.0 as well. As I go about updating you guys on this, these will be taken down and replaced with the newer updates.

So I'm doing a collaboration with a friend I made in the RH Universe discord (btw if you want to join let me know). She's hasn't published yet either and she also has two books she wants to get out. So we made a sort of pact to keep each other's asses in line and accountable 😂 Life can't get in the way now.

As she's still deciding on titles and whatnot I won't be divulging hers quite yet, but here's what's going down.

In the last half of august this year (2022), there will be a double release a week apart. While the dates haven't officially been decided upon just yet, I'll try to explain this as best I can.
She will be releasing one of her books the same day I will be releasing Et Lilium. We're going to try to theme the releases in a way. Then a week, maybe two, later we'll release our other two books. For me this will be Lullaby.

I'll keep you guys up to date on the progress of this as we move further along. This will include covers, fb pages, release dates, etc.

I'm so freaking nervous that I hope I don't fudge up Et Lilium. I'm overthinking it. I know I am. I feel like perhaps it's dragging a bit compared to my Wattpad releases but then I keep reminding myself that this book touches on some heavy stuff I've personally dealt with like eating disorders and the fuckery inside ballet companies to this day. Her suicide attempt that leads her to meeting the band has to have weight to it. That's really important to me seeing as how my dad took his life last year. Fingers crossed for me that I don't jack this up 🤞😂

Here's her Wattpad handle btw. She just joined so please welcome her and be kind 🖤🖤


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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